Star Media

Title: On Solar Revolutions PartI, II
Author: Abu Mashar(Abu Ma'shar)
Translator & Annotator: Robert Schmidt
Publisher:The Golden Hind Press

--- Part I. Contents ---
Part I : Coming very soon.(It has not printed yet). .
....... .

--- Part II. Contents ---
Preface vii
Treatise III. Concerning the Circumambulations of the Stars Taken in the Change-Overs .
.......Section 1 - Concerning the circumambulation and the distribution and the distributor and the star that participates with the distributor 1
.......Section 2 - Concerning the Significations of the Benefic and Malefic Bound Lords and of the Stars Participating with them either through their Own Bodies or their Own Rays 5
.......Section 3 - Concerning the Signification of Kronos as Distributor, and Concerning the Co-Distribution of the Stars with Kronos 19
.......Section 4 - Concerning the Signification of Zeus when It Exists as the Distributor and of the Co-Significations of the Stars Co-Distributing with Zeus 21
.......Section 5 - Concerning the Distribution of Ares and of the Stars Co-Distributing with Ares 23
.......Section 6 - Concerning the Distribution of Aphrodite and of the Stars Co-Distributing with Aphrodite 24
.......Section 7 - Concerning the Distribution of Hermes and of the Stars Co-Distribution with Hermes 26
.......Section 8 - Concerning the Association of the Time-Lord and its Distribution and the Star Distributing and the Horoskopos, according to the Signification [of this Association] 29
.......Section 9 - Concerning the So-Called Noupachrates and Their Lords, and the Circumambulation of them, and their third Division, and concerning the Diagnosis of every Distributor and its Signification, and the Signification of the Star Co-Distributing with it either bodily or by Ray, as the Indians have Proposed 35
.......Section 10 - Concerning the Diagnosis of the Time-Lord from the Ninths according to the Indian Opinion 41
Treatise IV. Concerning the Firdar or Cycles .
.......Section 1 - Concerning the Firdar of the Sun 42
.......Section 2 - Concerning the Firdar of Aphrodite 47
.......Section 3 - Concerning the Firdar of Hermes 49
.......Section 4 - Concerning the Firdar of the Moon 51
.......Section 5 - Concerning the Firdar of Kronos 53
.......Section 6 - Concerning the Firdar of Zeus 54
.......Section 7 - Concerning the Firdar of Ares 56
Treatise V. Concerning the Ingress of the Stars .
.......Section 1 59
.......Section 2 - Concerning the Ingress of Kronos to itself and to the Remaining Stars 63
.......Section 3 - Concerning the Ingress of Zeus to its Own Place and to the Places of the Other Stars 65
.......Section 4 - Concerning the Ingress of Ares upon Itself and upon the Remaining Stars 67
.......Section 5 - Concerning the Signification of the Sun for each zoidion 68
.......Section 6 - Concerning the Ingress of Aphrodite to Her Own Place and to the Places of the Remaining Stars 69
.......Section 7 - Concerning the Signification of Hermes when It Should Make an Ingress to Itself and to the Remaining Stars 71
.......Section 8 - Concerning the Ingress of the Moon upon Itself and upon the Places of the Remaining Stars 72
Treatise IX. .
.......Section 7 - Concerning the Indicators for the Days and Hours, and the Significations of These 75


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