Star Media

Title: Astrological Roots: The Hellenistic Legacy
Author: Joseph Crane(19XX- )
Publisher: The Wessex Astrologer Ltd.

--- Contents ---
.......Chart data v
.......Preface ix
.......Introduction xiii
1. Astrology's Bricks and Mortar 1
2. Astrology's Planets 23
3. Kinship of Planets and the Zodiac 40
4. Triplicites 60
5. Planetary Lords and Determination of Soul 76
6. The Hellenistic Lots 95
7. The Twelve Places 120
8. Aspects and other Connections 150
9. The Planets and When You See Them 170
10. Representing Love and Parents 188
11. The Non-Wandering Stars 208
12. Transits and Profections 226
13. Planetary Time Lord Systems 251
14. Ascensions and Directions 277
.......Bibliography 309
.......Index 311


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