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Title: Astrological Judgment of Diseases from Decumbiture of the Sick
Author: Nicholas Culpeper(1616-1654)
Publisher: Ascella, Spica, Astrology Classics

--- Contents from Astrology Classics Edition---
LIBER 1. Judgement of Diseases much enlarged -- Abraham Avenezra of Critical Days 19
LIBER 2. Astrological Judgement upon Diseases, or a Methodical way to find out the Cause, Nature, Symptoms, and change of a Disease, together with the parts of the afflicted, the exact time of recovery, or dissolutions by the Decumbiture; Amplified by Examples 27
Chapter I. The Definitions of the word Crisis, its Use, Cause, Kinds, Division and Difference 28
. Kinds of Crisis 31
Chapter II. The way to finde out the Critical Dayes, as also the Decumbiture, both by Ancient & Modern Writers 34
Chapter III. Of the Sympathy & Antipathy of the Signes and the Planets 36
Chapter IV. The way of finding out the Critical and Judicial dayes by a Figure of Eight Houses 40
Chapter V. The former rules illustrated by an Example 42
Chapter VI. The way to set a Figure of 16 Houses 48
. An Astrological Judgement upon the Figure 50
Chapter VII. How to set a figure of 12 houses for the Crisis 51
Chapter VIII. To find the exact time of the Crisis by a Table of Logistical Logarithmes 58
Chapter IX. Certain Precepts premised before the Prognosticks 68
Chapter X. General Prognostications of the Disease 71
Chapter XI. The diseases the Planets signifie 74
. Part II.What diseases distinctly are under every signe of the Zodiack 80
. Part III.The Particular Parts and Members of the body which the Planets generally rule 83
. Part IV.The particular parts of the body, under the several Signes of the Zodiack, and the houses in the heavens in a Celestial Scheme 86
Chapter XI. How the nature and kind of the disease may be found out by the figure of the Decumbiture 89
Chapter XII. How to know whether the disease be in the mind, or in the body 92
Chapter XIII. How it may be known what part of the body is afflicted 93
Chapter XIV. Whether the disease shall be long or short, or whether it shall end in Life or Death 96
. Part I. Signes of long or short sickness 97
. Part II. Signes of Life at the Decumbiture 103
. Part III. Signes of Death 105
Chapter XV. For the Cure of any disease take these few Rules 110
. HEMES TRISMEGISTUS upon the first Decumbiture of the sick. Shewing the Signes and Conjecture of the disease, and of Life and Death, by the good or evil possession of the Moon at the time of the Patients first lying down or demanding the question 112
. The Moon in ARIES afflicted of SATURN 113
. The Moon in ARIES afflicted of MARS 113
. The Moon in TAURUS afflicted of SATURN 113
. The Moon in TAURUS afflicted of MARS 114
. The Moon in GEMINI afflicted of SATURN 114
. The Moon in GEMINI afflicted of MARS 114
. The Moon in CANCER afflicted by SATURN 115
. The Moon in CANCER afflicted by MARS 115
. The Moon in LEO afflicted by SATURN 115
. The Moon in LEO afflicted by MARS 116
. The Moon in VIRGO, of SATURN oppressed 116
. The Moon in VIRGO, of MARS oppressed 116
. The Moon in LIBRA, oppressed of SATURN 117
. The Moon in LIBRA, oppressed of MARS 117
. The Moon in SCORPIO, afflicted by SATURN 117
. The Moon in SCORPIO, afflicted by MARS 117
. The Moon in SAGITTARIUS afflicted by SATURN 118
. The Moon in SAGITTARIUS, of MARS afflicted 118
. The Moon in CAPRICORN, of SATURN afflicted 118
. The Moon in CAPRICORN of MARS afflicted 119
. The Moon in AQUARIUS of SATURN afflicted 119
. The Moon in AQUARIUS of MARS afflicted 119
. The Moon in PISCES of SATURN afflicted 120
. The Moon in PISCES of MARS afflicted 120
Chapter XVI. Containing certain Observations taken out of Cardan, and other expert Physitians 120
. The first observation is from AUGERIUS PERERIUS 120
. The second from CARDAN 122
. The third aslo from CARDAN 123
. The fourth also from CARDAN 125
. The fifth from BODERIUS 126
. The sixth from the same BODERIUS 128
. The seventh observation is the Decumbiture of JOHN ANTONIA MAGINUS, the eminent Mathematicain 129
. The eighth observation is of the Decumbiture of JOHN BAPTISTA TRIANDULA, one of Verona 130
. Presages of life and death by the Body of the Patient being sick 133
Chapter I. Presages by the Face 134
Chapter II. Presages by the eyes and lips 135
Chapter III. Presages by the manner of lying in Bed 135
Chapter IV. Presages by the teeth 136
Chapter V. Presages by Ulcers and Issues 136
Chapter VI. Presages by the hands 136
Chapter VII. Presages by the Breath 137
Chapter VIII. Presages by Sweat 137
Chapter IX. Presages by Tumours 138
. The last Chapter of Aposthumes 138
. The Second Book of the Presages of HIPPOCRATES, you shall find marshalled in this order 140
Chapter I. Presages by Dropsies in Fevers 140
Chapter II. Presages of Life and Death in Fevers 141
Chapter III. Presages by Testicles 142
Chapter IV. Presages by Sleeping 142
Chapter V. Presages by excrements of the belly in Fevers 142
Chapter VI. Presages by winds in the Bowels and Womb 144
Chapter VII. Presages by the Urine in a Feaver 145
Chapter VIII. Presages by Vomiting in Feavers 147
Chapter IX. Presages by Spittle in Feavers 147
Chapter X. Presages by Sneezing in Feavers 148
Chapter XI. Presages by Suppurations in Aposthumes 148
Chapter XII. Presages by the time of Rupture of Aposthumes 150
Chapter XIII. Presages of Aposthumes about the Ears 151
Chapter XIV. Aposthumes in the feet 151
Chapter XV. Presages by the Bladder in Fevers 152
. The Third book of the Presages of HIPPOCRATES 152
Chapter I. Presages in Fevers 152
Chapter II. Presages of the Quinsey 155
Chapter III. Presages by the Uvula 156
Chapter IV. Presages of vomiting in a Fever 157
. Infallible signes to discern of what Complexion any person is whatsoever 158
. Signs of a Cholerick melancholy man 159
. Signs of a Melancholy cholerick man 159
. Signs of Melancholy Men 160
. Signs of Melancholy sanguine men 161
. Signs of a Sanguine melancholick man 161
. Signs of a Sanguine man 161
. Signs of a Sanguine Phlegmatick man 162
. Signs of a Phlegmatique sanguine man 163
. Signs of a Phlegmatique man 163
. Signs of a Phlegmatique cholerick man 163
. Signs of a Cholerick phlegmatique man 164
Chapter I. Of pissing blood 166
Chapter II. Of Inflammation in the Reins 167
Chapter III. Of the Stone in the Reins 169
Chapter IV. Of unmeasurable pissing 171
Chapter V. Of Ulcers in the Reins 172
Chapter VI. Of the Stone in the Bladder 174
Chapter VII. Of blood curdled in the bladder 175
Chapter VIII. Inflammation of the Bladder 176
Chapter IX. Of Ulcers in the Bladder 177
Chapter X. Of the Strangury 178
Chapter XI. Of difficulty of Urine 179
Chapter XII. Of stoppage in the Urine 180
Chapter XIII. Of Ulcers in the Yard 181


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