Title: Ancient Astrology Theory and Practice, Matheseos Libri VIII Author: Julius Firmicus Maternus(A.D.3-4th c.) Publisher: Spica --- Contents --- Preface by Jean Rhys Bram Table of Contents List of Diagrams Introduction Book 1 ------- Letter to Mavortius ------- |
I. | The Opponents of Astrology |
II. | Arguments from National Character and from Morals |
III. | Arguments from Astrologer's Errors |
IV. | The Difficulty of the Subject |
V. | Refutation of the Argument from National Character |
VI. | Refutation of the Argument from Morals |
VII-IX. | The Power of Fate |
X. | Conclusion and Prayer to the Sun |
Book 2 ------- Introduction ------- |
I. | Zodiacal Signs |
II. | Planetary Domeciles |
III. | Exaltations and Falls of the Planets |
IV. | Decans |
V. | Degrees and Minutes |
VI. | Planetary Terms |
VII-IX. | Diurnal and Nocturnal Sects |
X. | Matutine and Vespertine Posisions |
XI. | Natures of the Signs |
XII. | Rising and the Winds |
XIII. | Dodecatemoria |
XIV. | Life Cycle in the Houses |
XV. | Angles |
XVI. | Houses aspecting the Ascendant |
XVII. | Houses Inconjunct with the Ascendant |
XVIII. | Relative Strengths of the Houses |
XIX. | The Meanings of the Houses |
XX. | Interpreting an Nativity |
XXI. | Quality of the Nativity |
XXII. | The Aspects |
XXIII. | Houses Aspecting the Ascendant |
XXIV. | Signs and the Human Body |
XXV. | Length of Life |
XXVI. | Chronocrators |
XXVII. | Sub-Chronocrators |
XXVIII. | The Division of the Year |
XXIX. | The Antiscia |
XXX. | Life and Training of an Astrologer |
Book 3 ------- Introduction ------- |
I. | World Horoscope |
II. | Saturn in the Houses |
III. | Jupiter in the Houses |
IV. | Mars in the Houses |
V. | The sun in the Houses |
VI. | Venus in the Houses |
VII. | Mercury |
VIII. | Mercury-Sun Conjunction by House |
IX. | Mercury-Saturn Conjunction by House |
X. | Mercury-Jupiter Conjunction by House |
XI. | Mercury-Mars Conjunction by House |
XII. | Mercury-Venus Conjunction by House |
XIII. | The moon in the Houses |
XIV. | The moon in Conjunction with the Part of Fortune |
Book 4 ------- Introduction ------- |
I. | The Moon |
II. | The Moon applying to Saturn |
III. | The Moon applying to Jupiter |
IV. | The Moon applying to Mars |
V. | The Moon applying to the Sun |
VI. | The Moon applying to Venus |
VII. | The Moon applying to Mercury |
VIII. | If the Moon is moving toward Nothing(Void of Course) |
IX. | The Moon translating Light from Starun |
X. | The Moon translating Light from Jupiter |
XI. | The Moon translating Light from Mars |
XII. | The Moon translating Light from the Sun |
XIII. | The Moon translating Light from Venus |
XIV. | The Moon translating Light from Mercury |
XV. | Lunar Separations when Void of Course |
XVI. | Further Notes on the Moon |
XVII. | The Part of Fortune |
XVIII. | The Part of the Spirit |
XIX. | The Lord of the Geniture |
XX. | Climacteric Years |
XXI. | The Vocational Indicator |
XXII. | Full and Void Degrees in the Decans |
XXIII. | Masculine and Feminine Degrees |
XXIV. | Angular Lunar Conjunctions |
XXV. | Further Notes on the Moon |
Book 5 -------- Introduction ------- |
I. | The Angles by Sign |
II. | The Ascendant by Terms and Conjoined Planets |
III. | Saturn by Sign |
IV. | Jupiter by Sign |
V. | Mercury by Terms or Decans |
VI. | Moon by Terms or Decans |
VII. | Advice on Interpretation |
Book 6 |
I. | Advice on Interprestation |
II. | Bright Stars |
III. | Saturn in Trine |
IV. | Jupiter in Trine |
V. | Mars in Trine |
VI. | The Moon Trine the Sun |
VII. | The Moon Trine Venus |
VIII. | The Moon Trine Mercury |
IX. | Saturn in Square |
X. | Jupiter in Square |
XI. | Mars in Square |
XII. | The Sun Square the Moon |
XIII. | Venus Square Mercury |
XIV. | Moon Square Mercury |
XV. | Saturn in Opposition |
XVI. | Jupiter in Opposition |
XVII. | Mars in Opposition |
XVIII. | Sun and Moon in Opposition |
XIX. | Moon and Venus in Opposition |
XX. | Moon and Mercury in Opposition |
XXI. | Sextiles |
XXII. | Saturn in Conjunction |
XXIII. | Jupiter in Conjunction |
XXIV. | Mars in Conjunction |
XXV. | The Sun in Conjunction |
XXVI. | Venus in Conjunction |
XXVII. | Mercury in Conjunction |
XXVIII. | Lunar Configurations before Birth |
XXIX. | Unfortunate Nativities |
XXX. | Sexual Proclivities and Nativities of Famous Men |
XXXI. | Notable Configurations |
XXXII. | Planetary Parts |
XXXIII. | Saturn as Chronocrator |
XXXIV. | Jupiter as Chronocrator |
XXXV. | Mars as Chronocrator |
XXXVI. | The Sun as Chronocrator |
XXXVII. | Venus as Chronocrator |
XXXVIII. | Mercury as Chronocrator |
XXXIX. | The Moon as Chronocrator |
XL. | Conclusion |
Book 7 |
I. | An Astrologer's Oath |
II. | Exposed Infants |
III. | Twins |
IV. | Servile Nativities |
V. | The Master in a Slave's Chart |
VI. | Servile Parents and Capativity in the Nativity |
VII. | Monstrous Births |
VIII. | Infirmities |
IX. | Parental Death |
X. | Hostility of Parent and Child |
XI. | Orphans |
XII. | Number of Marriages |
XIII. | Incest |
XIV. | More on Sexual Relationships |
XV. | Homosexuality |
XVI. | Number of and Time of Marriages |
XVII. | Murder of the Spouse |
XVIII. | More on Sexual Relationships |
XIX. | Infertility and Celibacy |
XX. | Mental or Moral Deficiency |
XXI. | Infirmities |
XXII. | Royal Genitures |
XXIII. | Violent Death |
XXIV. | Criminal Nativities |
XXV. | Eunuchs, Hermaphrodities, and Perverts |
XXVI. | Occupations |
Book 8 |
I. | The Astrologer's Creed |
II. | The Enenecontameris |
III. | Beholding and Hearing Signs |
IV. | Degrees in the Zodiacal Constellations |
V-XVII. | Extra-Zodiacal Constellations |
XVIII-XXX. | The Myrogenesis(Degrees of the Zodiac) |
XXXI. | Bright Stars |
XXXII. | Advice on Interpretation |
XXXIII. | Conclusion |
Translator's Notes Index of Occupations Ancient Astrologers Bibliography Glossary Index |
Japanese web site. Star Media / Astrological shop in Japan. |