Star Media

Title: The Doctrine of Horary Questions
Author: John Gadbury
Publisher: JustUs

This text was typed exactly as it appears in the original.
--- Contents ---
The Doctrine of Horarie Questions. 235
Chap. 1
.......Of the several considerations to be observed, before judgement be given on a horary question.
Sect. 2...When a Figure is Radical, and fit to be judged 237
.......A Table of Length of the Planetary Hours 238
.......Here follows the Judgements belonging to the twelve Houses of Heaven, with the resolutions of
.......the most material Questions thereupon.
Chap III.
.......Judgements, and Interrogatories Proper To The First House.
Sect. 1...Of the Length Of the Querents Life. 242
Sect. 2...Of The Good Or Evil Attending Life. 242
Sect. 3...In What Time The Native May Expect A Change. 243
Sect. 4...What Part of the Querents Life is Like To Be Best. 244
Sect. 5...Toward What Part of the World The Querent Direct His Course To Prosper? 244
Sect. 6...A Person Having A Minde To Speak With Another, If He Shall Finde Him At Home? 245
Sect. 7...If An Absent Party Be Dead Or Alive? 245
Sect. 8...Of A Ship At Sea, Her Safety or Prejudice. 246
Chap. IV.
.......Questions belonging to the Second House.
Sect. 1...Shall the Querent be rich or poor? 249
Sect. 2...By what means shall the Querent attain Riches? 250
Sect. 3...The Time when a man may attain Riches. 250
Sect. 4...Shall be obtain the Goods or Money Lent? 251
Sect. 5...If the Querent shall obtain his Wages or Stripend, that is due from the King or any Nobleman, &c. 252
Chap. V
.......Judgements pertaining to the third House.
Sect. 1...Shall the Querent and His Brethren, &c. and Neighbours accord? 253
Sect. 2...Of the condition and estate of an absent Brother. 254
Sect. 3...Shall the Querent Inland Journeys be prosperous? 256
Sect. 4...If Reports or Rumours noys'd about, be true of false? 256
Sect. 5...Of the advice of a friend &c. whether good or evil. 257
Chap. VI
.......Judgements of the fourth House.
Sect. 1...Shall the Querent purchase the House or Land, &c. 258
Sect. 2...Of the Quality thereof; And shall the Querent do well to take it? 259
Sect. 3...If good for one to remove, or abide where he is? 260
Sect. 4...Of Treasure hid, if attainable? 260
Sect. 5...Is there Treasure in the place supposed? 261
Sect. 6...Shall the Querent enjoy the Estate of his Father? 262
Sect. 7...Of a Thing mislaid, how, or where to finde it. 262
Chap VII
.......Of Judgements belonging to the fifth House.
Sect. 1...Whether a woman shall have Children? 264
Sect. 2...In what time may the woman conceive? 264
Sect. 3...If a woman enquiring be with child? 265
Sect. 4...Is the woman impregnated of a Boy or Girl? 266
Sect. 5...Shall she have Twins, or more then one? 266
Sect. 6...When, or in what time will the birth be? 266
Sect. 7...Of a Messenger sent of an errand, &c. 267
Sect. 8...Shall the Querent gain or lose by Play? 268
Chap. VIII
.......Judgements belonging to the Sixth House.
Sect. 1...What part of the body is afflicted? 269
Sect. 2...Is the Disease in the body or minde, or both? 269
Sect. 3...Shall Disease be Chronique or Acute? 270
Sect. 4...What is the Cause of the Distemper? 271
Sect. 5...Shall the sick party recover or die of the infirmity afflicting? 271
Sect. 6...Of Servants, shall they prove just or knavish? 272
Sect. 7...Of small Cattle, shall the Querent thrive by them or not? 272
Chap. IX.
.......Interrogatories and judgements belonging to the Seventh House.
Part 1...Of Marriage. 273
Sect. 1...Shall the Querent Marry? 273
Sect. 2...If the Querent Marry, how long will it be first? 274
Sect. 3...Shall the Querent Marry more than once? 274
Sect. 4...What manner of Person shall the Querent Marry, and how Qualified? 275
Sect. 5...Shall they accord after Marriage? 275
Sect. 6...Shall the marriage be effected, or broken off? 275
Part 2...Of Partnership, Publique Enemies, LawSuits, of Warr, &c. 276
Sect. 1...Shall two Partners agree in their Partnership? 276
Sect. 2...Shall the Querent or his Adversarie overcome in a Law-Suit? 277
Sect. 3...Shall a Person return safe from the Wars? 277
Sect. 4...Shall the Castle or Strong Hold besieged be taken? 278
Sect. 5...Shall the Querent have Publique Enemies? 278
.......This Part will admit of these several Sections following:
Sect. 1...Of the Fugitives or Strays, shall they be found or not? 279
Sect. 2...Which way are they gone? what distance? 280
Of things lost, if recoverable or not? 280
Sect. 4...Who is the Thief? and of his Age and Sex. 281
Sect. 5...Are there more Thieves then one? 282
Sect. 6...Be they Straingers, or Familiars? 282
Sect. 7...In what time shall the Thing stolen be recovered? 282
Sect. 1...Of the time of the Death of the Querent 283
Sect. 2...What manner of Death the Querent die? 284
Sect. 3...Shall the Querent obtain his Wives Portion? 284
Sect. 4...Shall the Man or Wife die first? 285
Chap. XI
Sect. 1...Shall the Voyage be prosperous or not? 285
Sect. 2. Will the Voyage be long or short? 286
Sect. 3...May the Querent profit by the Science intended? 286
Sect. 4...Shall a Person obtain the Benefice, &c. 287
Chap. XII
Sect. 1...Shall the Querent obtain the Office or Dignity desired? 288
Sect. 2...Shall a Person remain in the employment he possesses? 289
Sect. 3...What Magistery or Profession will be best for any one to follow? 290
Chap. XIII
.......Judgements belonging to the eleventh House.
Sect. 1...Shall the Friends of the Querent prove faithful? &c. 291
Sect. 2...Shall the Querent obtain what he hopeth for? 292
Chap. XIV
.......Judgements belonging to the Twelfth House.
Sect. 1...Hath the Querent private Enemies? 293
Sect. 2...Who are his private Enemies? how may he know them? 293
Sect. 3...Of a Prisoner or Captive, when may he be freed? 293


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