Star Media

Title: Night & Day : Planetary Sect in Astrology
Author: Robert Hand(19XX- )
Publisher: ARHAT

--- Contents ---
Introduction 1
Introduction to Sect 2
Basic Definitions 2
Additional Basic Definitions Concerning Sect 5
Other Sect Issues 8
.......A Sample Chart - FDR 9
The Meanings of the Planets in Diurnal and Nocturnal Charts 12
General Natures of the Planets According to Sect 21
Other Manifestations of Sect 27
Lots and Sect 33
Sect and the Hyleg or Apheta 39
Sect and Firdar 41
Sample Charts 43
.......Chart #1: Adolf Hitler 43
.......Chart #2: Eleanor Roosevelt 47
.......Chart #3: President Clinton 52
.......Chart #4: Richard M. Nixon 56
.......Chart #5: Charles Dederick 60
.......Chart #6: Tony Costa 64
Concluding Remarks 66
References 68


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