Star Media

Title: Simplified Horary Astrology
Author: Ivy M. Goldstein-Jacobson(1893-1990)
Publisher: Graphics United / Pasadena Lithographers/ Spica

--- Contents from spica edition---
Introduction 1
The HOUSES and the Natural Wheel 6,7
.......Masculine-positive, Feminine-negative 5,31
.......The Months when the Signs begin 8
.......By Quality(Cardinal, Fixed & Common) 27
.......By Element(Fire, Earth, Air & Water) 27
.......The Decanates 30,31
.......Intercepted Signes 108,16
The PLANETS, their symbols and speed 5
.......Dignity, Detriment, Exaltation, Fall 28,29
.......Peregrine planets 29
.......Intercepted planets 108,16
.......Rulership of places 32-43
.......Rulership of creatures, plants, liquids, etc. 44
.......Rulership of metals, gems, articles, equipment 45-47
.......Rulership of Days & Hours 48
.......As SIGNIFICATOR of Querent & Quesited 49,97
.......As Co-significators 55-63
.......As Co-rulers of Persons & Matters 68,69
.......Mute, dissatisfied, insecure, besieged 50,51,87
.......In Nodal or Malefic Degrees 107,52
.......In critical Degrees or 0, 15, 29dg. 53
.......Retrograde planets 16,54
.......In Mutual Reception 152,78,93
.......The Part of Fortune & its Declination 116,17,97
.......The Part of Mis-fortune 116
.......The Part of Sickness(S) 197
.......The Part of Marriage(M) 207
.......The Part of Surgery or Cutting(C) 239
.......The Part of Death(D) 241
.......The Part of Danger or Peril(P) 243
.......The Part of Legalizing(L) & Weddings(W) 249
.......The Time, Date & Place of the question 1
.......Daylight Saving Time 3
.......Latitude, Longitude & the Prime Meridians 9
.......Finding the Local Mean Time(LMT) 10
.......Finding the Interval since noon 10
.......Finding the Equivalent Greenwich Mean Time 11
.......Finding the 10-second Correction 11
.......The Sidereal Time to use 11
.......Finding the Calculated Sidereal Time 12,13
.......Using the Table of Houses 12
.......Intercepted Signs & Planets 16,108
Calculation of the Planet-places 14-16
.......Specimen lines from the Ephemeris 14
.......Longitude of a planets 14
.......Greenwich Mean Time(GMT) & Constant Log 14,18
.......The dates to use for the planets 15
.......When the planet changes Signs 15,18
.......Planets Retrograde & Stationary 16,17
.......Equating the slow planets 16
.......The Moon's Nodes 17
.......Specimen Calculation Sheet 18
.......Entering the planets in the wheel 18
.......Specimen Chart#1 19
ASPECTS, Applying & Separating 21
.......The ORB to allow 22
.......The Opposition & its meaning 22,81
.......The Conjunction & Sextile:their meaning 23,79,80
.......The Square & Trine:their meaning 24,80,81
.......The Parallel & its meaning 24,25,79
.......Minor Aspects,especially the Quincunx 25,197
.......The Lunation, Eclipse & Occultation 25
.......Confirming Aspects 26
.......Aspect by Mutual Application 82
.......Translation & Collection of Light 82
The MOON, her speed of motion 5,21
.......Calculating the Moon's position 15,18
.......The Moon's standing in the Signs 28
.......The Moon's Nodes 17,52,97
.......Where her aspects begin and end 20
.......The Moon's separating aspect 20
.......Reading her First & Final aspects 83
.......Unable to complete her final aspect 148,83
.......The Moon void of course 238,84
.......The Moon void but parallel Fortuna 266,84,90
.......The Moon's preceding conjunction 88
.......An Important Event in the Past 89
.......The Moon's CHANGES enroute anywhere 135
.......As SIGNIFICATOR:description, early life 56,64
.......The Moon as Co-ruler 49,68,69
.......Places ruled by the Moon & Cancer 33
.......Creatures, plants, equipment, hours ruled 44,45,48
.......The Moon Common-&-Cadent 132,53
.......The Moon in the 5th or 9th 232,88
.......Anatomy & Pathology of the Moon & Cancer 190,195
.......The Moon in an Election Chart 266,269
The FIRST House, Persons & Matters ruled 68,69,91
.......Planets in the 1st House 93-97
..............Where would I be better off? 98,99
..............What is going to happen to me? 100-102
..............Am I to live long? To die soon? 103
.......When am I going to make a change? 104,405
..............Will I be able to stay where I am? 105
.......What else does it say about me? 106,107
..............Does it tell my future? 107
.......Where is the missing person? 108,109
..............Is he at home? Is he well? Is he dead? 110,111
..............Can I get in touch with him? 110
..............Will the absent one return? 110
..............What is the absent person doing? 112-114
.......Is this vehicle safe? 115,135
The SECOND House, Persons & Matters 117,68,69
..............Planets in the 2nd House 117,118
.....................Shall I become rich, and how? 120,121
.....................Shall I become poor, and how? 122
.....................Shall I be able to borrow? 123
.....................Shall I cash the check for him? 124
.....................Shall I guarantee the note? 125
.....................Shall I invest?(not speculate) 126
.....................Shall I make this purchase? 127
.....................Shall I exchange the goods? 127
.....................Shall I be paid for the goods? 127,234
The THIRD House, Persons & Matters 129,68,69
.......Planets in the 3rd House 130,131
..............Who called in my absence? 139,129
.......Where is the letter I sent? 128
..............Who wrote the anonymous letter? 138
..............Who has been gossiping? 138
..............Is the report or rumor true? 136,137
.......What sort of trip am I going to have? 132,135
..............Shall I make the trip? 133
..............Should I not make the trip? 134,115
..............The Moon's CHANGES enroute 135
The FOURTH House, Persons & Matters 141,68,69
.......Planets in the 4th House 142,143
..............Should I pay the balance on this lot? 140,144
..............Is the price high or low? 145
..............To buy or sell? The buyer & seller 146,147
..............Will the oil come in? Shall I profit? 148,149
.......Things lost or mislaid. Where? 153,154
..............Where is the missing article? 154,155
..............Will the article be found? When? 158,159
..............Where is my purse? 19,26
..............Where is my lost diamond ring? 152,159
..............Where is the yardage I bought? 156,157
.......Shall I inherit from my family? When? 150,151
The FIFTH House, Persons & Matters 163,68,69
.......Planets in the 5th House 163,164
.......Fifth House Questions 164-179
..............Shall I speculate in this gold mine? 162
..............Shall I speculate? 164,165
..............Shall I win or lose?(Wager,etc) 165,166
..............Which team will win? 167
..............Concerning a messenger 168,169
.......Questions about children 170,171
..............Concerning illegitimicy 173
..............Is this birth illegitimate? 172
..............Conception & Pregnancy 175-177
..............Pregnant or not 175
..............Present duration of pregnancy 176
..............Time of delivery 176
..............Boy or girl: twins 176,177
..............Survival of the child 178
..............Why don't I have a baby? 174
.......What is my child best fitted for? 171
..............Will the missing child return? 178
.......About love-affairs 179
The SIXTH House, Persons & Matters 181,68,69
.......Planets in the 6th House 181,182
.......Sixth House Questions 180-205
..............Shall I employ this person? 185
..............Will my maid return to my employ? 180
.......Concerning tenants & lodgers 183
..............Should I have a lodger or tenant? 184
..............Will my tenant or lodger remain? 184
.......About small animals, fowls & pets 186
..............The time to buy, or not 186
..............Is the dog trustworthy & faithful? 186
..............Should I have a pet? 187
..............About missing animals 187
.......Questions about sickness 197-207
..............The Part of Sickness(S) 197
..............The Angle of Distress 205
..............Gender & Temperature of the planets 188
..............Anatomy & Pathology of the Signs 189-193
..............Pathology of the planets 194-196
..............What is the matter with me? 90,201
..............Should I have an operation? 238,240
..............Is father's illness serious? 198,199
..............Is it cancer? 199,203
..............Is the illness real or imagined? 200,201
..............Progress & duration of the illness 202,203
..............Is the disease curable? 203
..............Will the patient recover? When? 204,241
..............Will the patient die? 170,241
The SEVENTH House, Persons & Matters 207,68,69
.......Planets in the 7th House 207,208
.......Seventh House Questions 206-229
.......Questions about marriage 208
..............The Part of Marriage(M) 207
..............Will my brother marry this woman? 206
..............Shall I ever get married? 210,211
..............Am I going to marry this one? When? 209
..............Shall I marry more than once? 211
..............Why don't we get married? 214
..............Will there be a divorce? 212,213
..............Will my wife (or husband) return? 213
.......Concerning Lawsuits: who wins? 215,216
..............The judge in the case 216
..............Shall I plead bankruptcy? 217
.......Partnership & Business Deals 219,220
..............Will this business deal go through? 218
..............The Buyer & the Seller 214
.......Loss by theft 221
..............Will the stolen goods be found? 222,223
..............Describe the thief 223,224
..............Is he the one I suspect? 224
..............Which way did he go? 226
..............Does the thief still have the goods? 226
..............Will the thief be caught? 225
..............The thief is under arrest 225
..............Is there more than one thief? 226
.......Will there be a war? 227
..............Will the besieged surrender? 227
..............When will World War II end? 228
..............For safe return from war 229
.......Do I have any public enemy? 229
The EIGHTH House, Persons & Matters 231,68,69
..............Planets in the 8th House 231
.......Eighth House Questions 233-243
.......To recover a debt 233
..............Will I be repaid for my doctor bill? 230
..............Will son-in-law pay me the note? 232
..............Shall I be paid for the goods? 234
..............Shall I be reimbursed for my loss? 234
.......About Wills & Legacies. Is there a Will? 235,236
..............Will the legacy be received? 237
.......Regarding Surgery 239
..............The Part of Surgery or Cutting(C) 239
..............Chart for the time of surgery 238
..............Should I have an operation? 240
.......Death in the chart 241
..............The Part of Death(D) 241
..............Recognizing death in any chart 243,170
..............Will there be a death soon? 242
..............Will the patient recover? 241,170
.......Am I in danger? The Part of Peril(P) 243
The NINTH House, Persons & Matters 245,68,69
.......Planets in the 9th House 245,246
.......Ninth House Questions 244-249
..............Shall I take the bus to Arizona 244,115
..............Am I going to attend the wedding? 248
..............Election chart for a trip 266
..............The Moon's CHANGES enroute 135
.......Rituals, Legalizing, Certifying 249,248
..............The Part of Legalizing(L) 249
..............The Part of Weddings(W) 249,248
.......Is my schooling adequate? 246
..............Should I go to college? 247
..............For success in publishing 247
.......Insurance: am I the beneficiary? 34,249
The TENTH House, Persons & Matters 251,68,69
.......Planets in the 10th House 251
.......Tenth House Questions 252-256
.......Trades & Professions 252
.......Shall I get this job? 253
.......should I leave this job? 253
.......For return to office or power 256
.......Conviction & Execution by Law 255,102
..............Will friend Jack be convicted? 250
..............Will these spies be executed? 254
.......Success of a petition 255
The ELEVENTH House, Persons & Matters 257,68,69
.......Planets in the 11th House 257
.......Eleventh House Questions 258-261
..............Is my friend true or false? 258
..............Shall I become a member? 260
..............Shall I proceed with the adoption? 260
.......Will I get my wish? 261
..............How will his Will turn out? 260,237
.......Wages: to get raise or refund 259
The TWELFTH House, Persons & Matters 263,68,69
.......Planets in the 12th House 263
.......Twelfth House Questions 262-265
.......An undisclosed question(mystery) 262
.......Have I a secret enemy? 265
.......Arrest & Imprisonment 264
..............Freedom from prison & time of release 264
..............Danger of death in prison 264
.......Am I in danger? The Part of Peril(P) 243
..............Caution in reading the chart 76,77
.......House rulership of persons & matters 68,69
..............The House of the Question 75
..............The Measure of Time 70,71
..............The Distance by Mileage 72,73
..............The Direction by House & Sign 74
.......Bringing the matter to Perfection 79-84
..............The Aspects that bring Perfection 79-81
..............Translation & Collection of Light 82
..............The Moon void but aspecting Fortuna 266,84,90
.......What denies Perfection 85-88
..............Hindrance, Frustration, Impediment 85
..............Refranation, Combust, Under Sunbeams 86,148
..............The Via Combust Way 89,19,128
PROGRESSING the horary planets 107
The ELECTION Chart 266-277
.......How to set up the Election Chart 267,268
..............Malefics in the Election Chart 267
..............The Moon in the Election Chart 269
.......For independent action 269
..............For any other kind of action 270-277
.......ELECTION Chart for a journey 266


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