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Title: The Progressed Horoscope: Alan Leo's Book on Forecasting: Progressions, Returns, Transits and Primary Directions
Author: Alan Leo(1860-1917)
Publisher: Astrology Classics

--- Contents ---
Preface iii
Introduction xi
Horoscope of the Author xvi
Chapter I. Heredity, Environment, Character 1
...........Three Great Factors in Human Destiny 1
...........The 'How' and the 'Why' 2
...........How the Three Factors exercise their influence over the life 3
Chapter II. Character is Destiny 4
...........Character as a factor in making Destiy 4
...........Complex nature of Character 4
...........Temperament of the Physical Body 5
...........The Ego and the aura 5
...........Life and Matter 6
Chapter III. Why Directions Sometimes Fail 7
...........Three classes of human beings 7
...........Necessity of studying the Nativity 8
...........Where Directions did not Fail 8
...........Exceptional Cases Few 9
...........Causes of Failure 10
Chapter IV. Fate and Free-Will 11
...........Involution and Evolution 11
...........Life and Form 12
...........The Value of Directions 13
...........The Progressive Horoscope 14
...........Physical and Psychic Heredity 16
...........The Three Cycles 17
Chapter V. The Author's System 18
...........Every horoscope progressive in actual fact 18
...........The Solar System a Great Family 19
...........The Sun and His Influence in Directions 20
...........The Moon and Her Inluence 21
...........The Progressive Angles 23
Chapter VI. The Progression of the Horoscope 25
...........Progression by Axial Rotation 25
...........Progression by Orbital Revolution 26
...........Queen Mary: Horoscope of Birth 28
...........Queen Mary: Progressed horoscope(for 1893) 29
...........Table of Rotations 30
...........The Two Rotations Simultaneous 30,31
...........The Rationale of the Process 31
...........Two Classes of Experiences 32
...........Their relation to Primary and Secondary Direction 32
Chapter VII. How to Calculate the Progressed Horoscope 34
...........The Ordinary Method 34
...........The 'Planets at Noon' Method 35
...........The 'Noon Date' 36
...........A Caution 36
...........Noon Date Cusps 37
...........Progressed Horoscope of the Author (for 1906) 38
...........Rules for Calculating the Cusps of the Progressed Horoscope for the Noon Date and Midnight Date 39
Chapter VIII. How to Calculate Directions 41
...........Classification of Direction 41
...........The Calculation of Directions: (i) Solar Directions 42
............................................................................(ii) Mutual Directions 44
............................................................................(iii) Lunar Directions 45
............................................................................(iv) Directions to Angles 46
...........Examples from the Author's Horoscope 43,44,45,47
Chapter IX. The Progressed Horoscopes of Queen Mary and Mrs. Annie Besant 48
...........The Queen's Directions at King George's accession 48,49
...........Mrs. Besant's Directions on her election to the presidency of the Theosophical Society 49,54
...........The Progressed Horoscopes of Queen Mary and Mrs. Besant (maps) 50,52
Chapter X. Considerations to be Borne in Mind when Reading Directions 55
...........Directions to Angles 55
...........Quickly and Slowly Formed Directions 56
...........Some Illustrations 57
...........Some General Hints 58
...........Influence of the Radix 59
...........Directions to the Radical Moon 59
Chapter XI. Subdivisions of Signs 61
...........Table of Triplicities and Qualities 61
...........Table of Decanates 61
...........Table of Dwadashamshas 62
...........Decanates as real as Signs 62
...........A Principle in Occultism 63
...........An Example 63
...........Influence of Planets upon Subdivisions 65
...........TABLE OF ASPECTS, showing the Various Degrees in Aspect to any Given Degree 66
Chapter XII. The Progressed Ascendant 69
...........Fundamental and Superimposed Influences 70
...........Notes on the Decanates 70
...........The Decanates of the Progressed Ascendant: Aires 70, Taurus 72, Gemini 73, Cancer 75, Leo 76, Virgo 78, Libra 79, Scorpio 81, Sagittarius 82, Capricorn 84, Aquarius 85, Pisces86 ..
Chapter XIII. Solar Aspects 89
...........General Remarks 89
...........When there are no Solar Aspects 90
...........Solar Aspects to :the Moon 91, Mercury 94, Venus 95, Mars 97, Jupiter 102, Saturn 106, Uranus 110, Neptune 115, the Sun's Radical Place 117 ..
Chapter XIV. Mutual Aspects 118
...........General Remarks on the prominence of a planet in directions: Mercury 118, Venus Mars 119, Jupiter120, Saturn Uranus 121, Neptune 122 ..
...........Mercury Aspecting: Venus 122, Mars 124, Jupiter 128, Saturn 132, Uranus 136, Neptune 140 ..
...........Venus Aspecting: Mars 142, Jupiter 146, Saturn 150, Uranus 154, Neptune 158 ..
...........Mars Aspecting: Jupiter 161, Saturn 165, Uranus 169, Neptune 173 ..
...........Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune 177
...........A Planet in Aspect with Its Own Place ..
Chapter XV. Lunar Position and Aspects 179
...........General Remarks on the Moon's Influence 179
...........Note regarding Lunar Aspects 180
...........THE LUNAR POSITION: passing through Houses i ii 181, iii iv v 182, vi vii 183, viii ix 184, x xi xii 185 ..
...........Lunar Aspects, to: the Sun 186, Mercury 190, Venus 194, Mars 198, Jupiter 202, Saturn 206, Uranus 211, Neptune 216,the Moon 's radical place 220 ..
Chapter XVI. Directions to the Midheaven and Ascendant 222
...........General Remarks 222
...........Directions to the ASCENDANT; Adverse 223, Benefic 224
...........Directions to the MIDHEAVEN; Adverse 224, Benefic 225
...........General Hints 227
...........An Illustration 228
...........How to utilise the description 229
Chapter XVII. Solar Revolutions or Birthday Maps 233
...........Queen Mary: Solar Revolution(1910) 234
...........Queen Mary: Progressed Birthday(1910) 235
...........The Ordinary Method: (Example) 236
...........Mrs. Besant: Solar Revolution(1907) 238
...........Mrs. Besant: Progressed Birthday(1907) 239
...........The Progressed Birthday (Example) 240
...........Note on the Progressed Birthday in relation to Directions 242
Chapter XVIII. Transits over Sun, Moon and Planets 244
...........What is a Transit 244
...........New Moons and Eclipses as Transits 245
...........Effects of Transits 246
...........TRANSITS OF: the Moon 247, Mercury 249, Venus 250, Mars 251, Jupiter 252, Saturn 253, Uranus 254, Neptune 255 ..
Chapter XIX. Transits through Houses 257
...........General Remarks 257
...........The Transits of: the Moon, Mercury, Venus, the Sun 257
....................Mars 258, Jupiter 260, Saturn 262, Uranus 265, Neptune 266 ..
...........The General Effect of Transits 267
...........General Remarks 269
...........An Illustration from the Author's nativity 269
...........The Time Element 270
...........An Election of Suitable times for Interviews, etc., etc. 270
...........Events probable, not inevitable 270
Example Horoscope: Mrs. Annie Besant 272
Preliminary Note to Primary Directions 273
Speculum for Mrs. Besant's Horoscope 274
Chapter XX. Trigonometrical Formulae and Tables 275
...........FORMULAE: i ii , To convert Long. into R.A. and vice versd, without Latitude, 275: iii,iv, To find Dec. from Long. and vice versd, without Latitude, 275: v, vi, vii, To find A.D., O.A.,and S.A., 276: viii, To find Long. on cusp of any house, 276: ix, To find Pole of any House, 277: x,xi, From R.A. and Dec. to find Long. and Lat., and vice versd, 277,278: xi,xii, From Long. Lat. and Dec. to find R.A., 278: xii, To measure Mundane Position or Cuspal Distance, 279 ..
...........Table of Poles of Houses 280
Chapter XXI. The Speculum 281
...........What a Speculum is 281
...........The need for Mathematical Tables 282
...........Explanation and Calculation (with examples) of: Right Ascension 281, Meridian Distance 284, Semi-arc 284, Cuspal Distance 286 ..
Chapter XXII. Mundane Directions to Angles 288
...........Mundane versus Zodiacal Position 289
...........Zodiacal and Mundane Aspects 290
...........Mundane Directions to Angles (with example) :(i)Direct 291 (ii) Converse 294 ..
...........The Rationale of Converse Directions 296
Chapter XXIII. Solar and Lunar Mundane Directions 297
...........Two Systems of Nomenclature 297
...........Direct Mundane Directions (with examples) 298
...........Converse Mundane Directions (with examples) 302
Chapter XXIV. Mundane Parallels and Rapt Parallels 305
...........Mundane Parallels explained (with an example) 305
...........Converse ditto 306
...........Rapt Parallels (with examples) 306
...........Converse ditto 306
Chapter XXV. Zodiacal Directions to Angles 311
...........Zodiacal Directions explained 311
...........Zodiacal Directions to the Midheaven (with examples): (i)Direct 311(ii) Converse 313 ..
...........Ditto to the Ascendant (with examples): (i)Direct 313 (ii)Converse 314 ..
Chapter XXVI. Zodiacal Directions between Sun, Moon and Planets, without Latitude 316
...........Conventional Nomenclature Misleading 317
...........Rule for Calculating Zodiacal Directions 318
...........Examples (i)Direct 319 (ii)Converse 320 ..
Chapter XXVII. Zodiacal Directions between Sun, Moon and Planets, with Latitude 322
...........Two Methods 322
...........Some Objections 322
...........Answers to the Objections 323
...........Examples 324,325
...........True Converse Zodiacal Directions 325
Chapter XXVIII. On Equating Arcs of Direction. Measures of Time 328
...........(i)Ptolemy's Method 328
...........(ii)Naibod's Method 328,329
...........(iii)Simmonite's Method 329
...........(iv)The Method of Placidus 331
...........(v)C.C.Massey's Method 331,332
Appendix I. The Progressed Horoscope in Detail 336
Appendix II. The Relation between Primary and Secondary Directions: a Suggestion 341
Appendix III. How to Calculate the Actual Day on which a Given Aspect falls due 343
Appendix IV. A Simple Way of Calculating Primary Directions to Angles 346
Appendix V. The Unity of All Systems of Directing 347


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