Questions concerning the First House |
. |
If the Querent is likely to live long yea or not |
129 |
Signs of health or long life |
129 |
The time when any accident shall happen |
130 |
To what part of heaven it's best the Querent direct his affaires |
132 |
What part of his life is like to be best |
134 |
An Astrological figure judging the former Demands |
135 |
Of the Part Of Fortune, and how to take it either by day or night |
143 |
How to examine its fortitudes |
145 |
If one shall find the party at home one would speak with |
147 |
Of a thing suddenly happening, whether it signifie good or ill |
148 |
What mark, mole or scar the Querent hath |
148 |
Whether one absent be dead or alive |
151 |
An astrological figure explaining the aforesaid demands |
152 |
A Woman whether her Son were with his Master or not |
153 |
Of a Ship at Sea, her safety or destruction |
157 |
Example of a Ship at Sea upon a figure judged |
162 |
Example of another Ship |
165 |
The time of receiving any Question |
166 |
Judgments concerning the Second House, viz.of Riches |
. |
Whether the Querent shall be rich |
167 |
By what means attain Riches |
168 |
If the Querent shall obtain the substance he hath lent |
173 |
If one shall acquire his wages or stipend owing him |
174 |
Of the time when the accidents treated of may happen |
175 |
A Figure resolving the doubts and demands aforesaid |
177 |
Of that Planet or Planets impediting the effecting or performance of what is demanded in every Question |
184 |
If the Querent shall continue rich |
186 |
Of the Third House, viz of Brethren, Sisters, Kindred, Short Journeys |
. |
If the Querent and his brother, Neighbour or sister shall agree |
188 |
Of a Brother that is absent |
189 |
Of Reports, Intelligence or Fears, if true or false, or signify good or evil |
192 |
If Rumours be true or false |
193 |
Of counsel or advice, whether good or evil |
194 |
Whether the Querent have brethren or sisters |
195 |
Of a short journey, if good to go; which way |
195 |
As Astrological figure of an absent brother |
196 |
If Cambridge was taken yea or no |
200 |
Of the Fourth House, viz. of Parents, Lands, Tenemants, Cities, Towns |
. |
To find a thing hid or mislaid |
202 |
What part of the house or ground |
203 |
Of buying and selling Lands, Houses, Farms, &c. |
204 |
Of the goodness or badness of the Land or House |
205 |
Quality of the ground |
206 |
Tenants good or ill |
206 |
If wood on the ground |
206 |
If good to hire or take the Farm or house desired |
208 |
If the Querent shall enjoy the Estate of his Father |
210 |
If good to remove from one house to another |
212 |
Of turning the course of Rivers, &c. |
214 |
Of Treasure hid in the ground |
215 |
If the Querent shall obtain it |
217 |
If the Author should purchase some Houses, an Astrological Figure thereof |
219 |
Of the Fifth House, and its Questions |
. |
If one shall have children |
222 |
If a woman ask whether she may conceive |
223 |
Whether the Querent shall have children, be he man or woman that asketh |
224 |
If a man shall have children by his Wife, yea or no, or of any other Woman whom he nominates |
225 |
Whether she is with child or not |
226 |
If the man ask unknown to the Woman |
228 |
Other Judgments |
. |
Whether a Woman be with child or not |
229 |
If a Woman do conceive with child of more than one |
230 |
If male or female |
230 |
How long the Woman hath been conceived |
231 |
Of the time when the birth will be |
231 |
Whether the birth shall be by day or night |
232 |
Whether unity is like to be between the Infant and Parents |
234 |
Of Embassadors and Messengers |
235 |
Of a Messenger sent forth upon any errand |
236 |
If the Querent shall ever have children, a figure judged thereof |
238 |
If one were with child of a male or female; what time she should be delivered, a figure thereupon judged |
240 |
Of the Sixth House, and its Questions, viz. of Sickness, Servants, small Cattle |
. |
Judgment of sickness by Astrology |
243 |
What part of the body is afflicted |
243 |
From what cause the sickness is |
244 |
Diseases signified by the Houses |
245 |
Diseases signified by the Signs |
245 |
Diseases of the Planets |
246 |
Signs of a long or short sickness |
248 |
Testimonies that the Querent shall live and not die of the Infirmity now afflicting |
253 |
Arguments of death |
255 |
Dariot abridged |
258 |
If the party be sick of whom the question is demanded |
259 |
Cause of the Disease, inward or outward |
259 |
Of the quality and nature of the Disease |
261 |
Whether the Disease be in the right or left side |
263 |
Whether the Disease be in the body, mind, or both |
264 |
Of the Crisis, or days critical |
266 |
How long ere the sick recover |
267 |
Hermes Trimegistus upon the Decumbiture of the Sick |
268 |
Of the Signs and conjectures of the Disease, and of life and death by the good or ill disposition of the Moon |
273 |
Astrological Aphorisms judging of sickness |
282 |
A Figure of a sick Doctor, if curable |
286 |
A Figure set to know whether the sick would live or die |
289 |
Of the Crisis in Diseases |
290 |
A Table showing how to set a figure in sickness of sixteen sides |
294 |
If a Servant shall get free from his Master |
296 |
Of the Seventh House, of Marriage, Enemies, Law-suites, Contracts, Wars, Fugitives, Thefts |
. |
Aphorisms considerable before judgment |
298 |
Of Marriage |
302 |
More Aphorisms of Marriage by Alkindus |
303 |
Of Marriage whether it shall take effect or not |
303 |
Of Marriage |
304 |
What shall be the occasion hindering the Marriage |
305 |
Which love or desire it most |
305 |
Whether a man shall Marry |
307 |
The time of Marriage |
307 |
How many Husbands a Woman shall have |
307 |
From what part one shall Marry |
308 |
What manner of person he or she is |
308 |
Whether a man or woman be more noble |
308 |
Who shall be master of the two |
308 |
Whether she be rich or not |
309 |
Whether the Marriage be legitimate |
309 |
How they shall agree after Marriage |
309 |
Disagree |
309 |
Who shall be cause of their strife |
310 |
That the Marriage shall be broken, and the cause thereof |
310 |
Whether a man or his Wife shall die first |
311 |
Which of the two shall live longest |
311 |
Whether she be a Maid, or chaste |
312 |
Whether a Damsel be a Maid or not |
312 |
Whether a woman be honest to her Husband or not |
313 |
Of a Woman whether she hath a Lover besides her Husband |
313 |
Whether a Woman is honest |
314 |
Whether a woman trades with any but her husband |
314 |
If one's Sweet-heart have a Lover besides himself |
316 |
Hath she a Lover |
316 |
If a Marriage shall be perfected or not |
317 |
Whether the child conceived is the Son of the reputed Father |
318 |
Whether a woman living from her husband, shall be received into favour, or live with him again |
318 |
Of Servants fled, Beasts strayed, and things lost |
319 |
The place where the thing is that is lost |
320 |
How the Goods were lost |
321 |
Whether the cattle be stolen or not. Whether the thing missing fled of itself |
321 |
Of Beasts strayed, or fugitives |
323 |
Of Beasts or strays |
324 |
That the beasts are lost |
325 |
Dead or alive |
325 |
In pound or not |
325 |
The cattle shall be found again |
325 |
How far off a thing lost is from the Owner |
326 |
Beasts stolen or strayed, in what place which way |
326 |
In what ground |
327 |
The cattle shall to pound and be long in pound |
327 |
Escape the pound |
328 |
Whether the fugitive shall be taken |
328 |
Of the Moon in questions of fugitives |
328 |
Whether he shall be taken |
329 |
If a Fugitive shall be found or come again |
329 |
Distance of the Fugitive |
330 |
A Woman flying from her Husband |
330 |
Of a Thief and Theft |
330 |
Of the Significator of the Thief |
331 |
The significator of the thing stolen |
331 |
Approved judgments of Theft |
332 |
Whether it be stolen or no |
334 |
The Goods are stolen |
335 |
Not stolen |
335 |
It will be, or is intended to be stolen |
335 |
It's lost or stolen |
335 |
Age of the Thief |
336 |
Of the same |
337 |
Whether the Thief be man or woman |
338 |
If one thief or more |
339 |
Of the clothes of the Thief |
339 |
Names of Thieves or men according to Astrology |
340 |
Whether the Thief be of the house or not |
342 |
Stranger or familiar |
342 |
Rules by the Lord of the Seventh house |
343 |
Whether the Thief be in the Town or not |
344 |
Distance betwixt the Owner and the Thief |
345 |
Where the thief is |
345 |
Towards what part the thief is gone |
346 |
Of the house of the Thief, and marks thereof |
347 |
Door of the house |
347 |
Tokens of the Thief's house |
348 |
The Goods in the Owner's hands |
349 |
Whether the Goods be in the custody of the Thief |
349 |
If he carried all with him |
350 |
Distance of the thing from the Owner |
350 |
Place where the Goods stolen are |
351 |
Where the Goods are |
352 |
Lost or stolen, in what part of the house |
353 |
The form or likeness of the entering of the house |
353 |
What is stolen by the Lord of the Second or Tenth house |
354 |
The quality of the Goods stolen |
354 |
Sign of Recovery |
355 |
If it shall be recovered |
355 |
In what time it shall be recovered |
356 |
Aphorisms concerning Recovery |
356 |
The discovery of the Thief, and recovery of the Goods |
358 |
Of Theft |
359 |
Whether the Thief shall be known or not |
360 |
Whether the Thief be suspected of the Owner or not |
360 |
Who did the deed or Theft |
360 |
Whether it be the first act the Thief did |
360 |
Lilly's experimented Rules of Theft |
360 |
Of Battle, War, or other contentions |
367 |
If one shall return safe from War, or a dangerous Voyage |
367 |
What will ensue of the War |
368 |
Who shall do best in a Law-suit |
369 |
Of Partnership betwixt two, if it shall be, and who shall do best |
369 |
Of familiarity betwixt Neighbour and Neighbour |
370 |
Of removing from place to place |
370 |
If good to remove or stay in any Town or City |
371 |
Of Hunting |
371 |
Of a Law-suit or controversy betwixt two, who should do best |
372 |
Of Buying and Selling Commodities |
376 |
Of Partnership |
377 |
Whether a city, Town or Castle beseiged shall be taken |
379 |
Of Commanders in Armies, their abilities, fidelity, &c. |
380 |
If two Armies shall fight |
383 |
If the Querent have open enemies |
383 |
A Figure to know if a Lady should marry the party desired |
385 |
A second figure if the woman should marry the man beloved |
389 |
A figure for a fugitive servant |
390 |
A figure for a Dog missing |
392 |
Money lost, who stole it, a figure thereupon |
395 |
Fish stolen, a figure for it |
397 |
A figure to know if Sir William Waller and Sir Ralph Hopton were engaged |
399 |
A figure to know if the Earl of Essex should take Reading |
401 |
Of the Eighth House, viz. Death, Dowry, &c. |
. |
If the absent party be alive or dead |
404 |
Whether one absent will return or not, and when |
406 |
The time when he will return |
407 |
If the death of the Querent, or space of his own life |
408 |
When or about what time the Querent may die |
409 |
Whether the Man or Wife shall die first |
411 |
What manner of death the Querent shall die |
412 |
Whether the portion of the wife will be great, or easily obtained, or if the woman will be rich |
412 |
If one be afraid of a thing, whether he shall be in danger thereof or not |
414 |
A figure to know whether man or woman shall die first |
415 |
A figure of a woman's to know if her husband at Sea were alive or dead |
417 |
A figure to know what manner of death Canterbury should die |
419 |
A figure to know if the Querent should have the Portion promised |
421 |
Of the Ninth House, viz. Long Journeys, Religion, Dreams |
. |
Of a voyage by Sea, and success thereof |
422 |
What wind he will have |
423 |
Of him that taketh a journey |
423 |
Of the short or slow return of him that taketh a journey |
424 |
When he shall return that is gone a long journey |
425 |
The cause of a Journey, and success thereof |
428 |
Success and length thereof |
428 |
If one shall profit by his knowledge, &c. in Chemistry or Surgery |
429 |
Of one's Science or wisdom whether it be true |
430 |
Of many persons travelling, in what condition they are |
430 |
To what part of Heaven the Traveller had best direct his Journey |
431 |
If the person shall obtain a good Benefice |
432 |
Of Dreams whether they signify anything or not |
434 |
A figure adjusted concerning Dreams |
436 |
A figure to know if one should obtain a Parsonage |
437 |
A figure erected to know if Presbytery shall stand |
439 |
A figure to know if the Querent should obtain the Philosopher's Stone |
442 |
Of the Tenth House, viz. of Government, Dignity, Office, Command |
. |
If the Querent shall obtain the Office desired or not |
444 |
If one shall continue in the Command or Office he is in |
447 |
Whether a King expulsed his Kingdom, or an Officer removed from his Office, shall return |
448 |
Of the Profession or Trade any one is capable of |
450 |
If Prince Rupert should get honour by our wars, a figure thereof |
452 |
If he should worst the E. of Exxex |
453 |
What should become of him |
454 |
If his Majesty should procure Forces out of Ireland to harm the Parliment, a figure thereupon |
455 |
If the Queen would advance with her Army; if she would prosper; when she and his Majesty would meet |
455 |
If attain the Preferment desired |
456 |
Eleventh House, viz. House of Friends, Hope, Substance of Kings |
. |
Of good or ill in questions concerning this house |
457 |
If a Man shall have the Thing hoped for |
458 |
Of the agreeing of Friends |
459 |
Of love betwixt two |
459 |
Of the Twelfth House, Imprisonment, Cattle, Witchery, Enemies, Labour, Banished Men |
. |
Of secret enemies not named |
460 |
To know who a secret enemy is |
460 |
Whether any man committed to prison shall soon be delivered |
461 |
Of the imprisoned |
462 |
If a question be asked for a Captive or Prisoner |
463 |
Of a Captive or Slave |
464 |
If one be bewitched or not |
464 |
Natural Remedies against witchcraft |
465 |
A figure for a Horse lost |
467 |
A figure to know if one were Bewitched |
468 |
A figure of a Prisoner escaped out of Prison |
470 |
A Lady of her husband in prison, a figure of it |
471 |
A figure upon the Earl of Essex his last going into the west |
473 |
A Table of the Planetary hour |
474 |
To find out what Planet ruleth any hour of the day or night |
482 |
A Table converting Hours and Minutes of time into Degrees and Minutes of the AEquator |
489 |
A Table of right ascentions |
492 |
A Table of oblique ascentions for the latitude of 34 degrees |
494 |
A Table of oblique ascentions for the latitude of 49 degrees |
496 |
A Table of oblique ascentions for the latitude of 53 degrees |
498 |
Divers ways of rectifying Nativities |
500 |
Correction of an estimate figure by Trutine of Hermes |
502 |
Rectification of a Nativity by Animodar |
505 |
Rectification by Accidents, the way to frame an Astrological Speculum |
507 |
A Speculum of Nativity |
509 |
Characters of the new aspects, the number of the degrees of the aspect |
512 |
Erection of a Scheam by Regiomontanus |
519 |
Things considerable before judgment given upon a Nativity |
524 |
Of the space of life, whether the Native shall live long or not |
525 |
Of Hylech or Apheta, and the interficient Planet |
527 |
Of the Lord of the Geniture |
531 |
Of the Complexion, temperament of the body, quality of Planets and Signes |
532 |
Manners of the Native |
534 |
Quality of manners discernable from the Planets |
539 |
Of the understanding of the Native |
543 |
Of the stature, shape and form of body |
546 |
Nature of the Signs, color of the Face and Hair |
547 |
Of the grossness or leanness of Bodies |
549 |
Of the generall fortune or misery of the Native |
551 |
Of the Second House, viz. of Riches, or the goods of Fortune |
. |
Whether the Native shall be rich |
553 |
By what means the Native shall attain Wealth |
554 |
If the Native shall attain his Estate be just or indirect dealing |
561 |
If the Estate of the Native shall be durable |
562 |
Judgments upon the third House |
. |
Of Kinred, Brethren, Sisters |
564 |
If have Brethren or Sisters |
564 |
Fortune & condition of Brethren |
566 |
Of the unity or concord of the Native with his Brethren and Sisters |
567 |
Number of Brethren |
568 |
Judgments upon the fourth House, concerning Parents, &c |
. |
Of the Father |
569 |
Of the Mother |
570 |
If the Mother had difficult labour at the Native's Birth |
572 |
If the Native will enjoy the Estate of his Father |
572 |
Of the mutual agreement of Parents |
573 |
Of the Parents mutual love to the Native |
574 |
Significations of great fortune out of Mines |
575 |
Of the Sixth House, viz. of Infirmities |
. |
Of the Infirmities of Bodies |
576 |
Aphorismes useful for this house |
577 |
Kinds and qualities of Diseases, how discoverable from the Planets and Signes |
578 |
Of weakness in the Sight, or casualities portended to the Eyes |
581 |
Defects in the Ears |
582 |
Impediments in the Tongue |
582 |
Of the Tooth-ach |
583 |
Of the falling Sickness |
583 |
Of the Stone |
584 |
Of the Gout |
585 |
Of violent Falls |
585 |
Whether the Diseases of the Native are curable or not |
585 |
Of Servants and samll Cattle |
586 |
Of the seventh House |
. |
Of mens Marriages |
587 |
Whether the Native shall marry or not |
588 |
Whether the Native shall obtain his wife with ease or much difficultly |
589 |
The time of Marriage |
589 |
Of the number of wives |
590 |
From whence, or what quarter the Native shall have his wife |
592 |
What manner of wife or wives the Native shall have, if Fair or Deformed |
593 |
Aphorismes concerning the positure of Venus |
595 |
Of the mutual love and concord between man and wife |
597 |
Whether the Native or his wife shall die first |
599 |
Of the Marriage of women |
600 |
If the woman shall marry |
600 |
If with difficulty; when; from whence; what manner of man |
601 |
If rich: if agree |
602 |
The fifth House |
. |
Of Children |
602 |
Aphorism concerning this house |
603 |
How many Children the Native may have |
604 |
Whether male or female |
605 |
Aphorism of Albubater concerning Children |
605 |
Judgments upon the ninth House, of Journeys and Religion |
. |
Whether the Native shall travel or not |
606 |
To what part of the World the Native shall travel |
607 |
Whether travel by land or water |
608 |
To cause of travel |
609 |
Haly his Aphorisms |
609 |
Of success in travel |
610 |
What Region or Country will be best to travel into |
611 |
The Religion of the Native |
611 |
Aphorisms belonging there unto |
612 |
Of Dreams |
613 |
Of the tenth House |
. |
Of the Honour or Dignitiy of the Native |
615 |
Whether the Native shall have Preferment or not |
615 |
Rules from the two Luminaries |
617 |
Aphorisms from the Sun |
618 |
Concerning the Moon |
619 |
Of the Midheaven |
619 |
Of the Ascendant |
620 |
Of the fixed Stars |
620 |
What manner of Preferment, its quality |
621 |
If the Dignity or Honour shall continue |
622 |
Special Aphorismes concerning that judgment |
623 |
Of the Profession of the Native |
624 |
Experimented Aphorismes concerning the Natives Profession |
626 |
Of Mercury when Lord of the Profession |
627 |
When joined with others |
627 |
Of Venus when alone signifies the Profession |
628 |
When mixed with others |
628 |
Of Mars when Significator of Profession |
629 |
When mixed with others |
629 |
Of Mercury and Venus when commixed |
630 |
Of Mercury with Mars |
630 |
Of Mars and Venus when Significators of Art |
631 |
With what success the Native shall handle it |
631 |
Quality of the Profession |
633 |
Judgments belonging to the eleventh House |
. |
Of Friends |
634 |
Special rules concerning that house |
635 |
Quality of Friends |
636 |
Constancy of Friends |
636 |
Whether there may be unity or concord between two |
637 |
Whether of the Friends is more sincere |
639 |
Of the twelfth House |
. |
Of enemies |
639 |
What manner of enemies, their quality |
640 |
If the Native shall overcome his enemies |
641 |
Whose friendship the Native shall most avoid |
642 |
Of Captivity or Imprisonment |
642 |
Of death, arguments of a violent death |
644 |
The kinds of a violent death |
645 |
From the Sign, from the House the quality of a violent death |
646 |
From Saturn and Mars |
647 |
From the Lord of the Ascendant and fixed Stars |
648 |
The effects of Directions |
. |
Directions wherefore |
651 |
Effects of Directions |
652 |
What places of Heaven, what Planets Directed, and for what |
653 |
How long the effects of a Direction last |
654 |
The Ascendant its signification, when directed to the body, term or aspect of Saturn |
656 |
The Ascendant directed to the Terms, body or aspect of Jupiter |
657 |
To the body, Terms or other aspect of Mars |
659 |
To the body or other aspect of the Sun |
660 |
To the body, Term or aspect of Venus |
661 |
To the body, Term or any aspect of Mercury |
662 |
To the conjunction, sextile, trine, square or opposite of the Moon |
663 |
To the Dragons Head or Dragons Tail, or to Fortuna, or cusp of the second, third or fourth house |
665 |
To several fixed Stars |
666 |
Midheaven directed to Promittors and the reason why directed |
668 |
To the body of Saturn, or his Term, aspect |
669 |
To the body, Term or rays of Jupiter |
669 |
To the body, Term of several aspects of Mars |
671 |
To the aspects or conjunction of the Sun |
672 |
To the body, Term, &c. of Venus |
673 |
To the several aspects or Terms of Mercury |
674 |
To the body of the Moon or her aspects |
675 |
M.C. to the 11 or 12 house |
676 |
M.C. to several fixed Stars |
676 |
The Sun directed to Promittors, and wherefore |
679 |
To the Body or aspects of Saturn |
680 |
To the aspects or body of Jupiter |
681 |
To the body or aspect of Mars |
682 |
To the body or aspect of Venus |
683 |
To the like of Mercury |
685 |
To the like of the Moon |
686 |
To Dragon's Head or Tail, or Fortuna, or cusp of any of the houses |
687 |
The Sun directed to principal fixed stars |
689 |
The Moon directed to Promittors, viz. to Saturn his body or aspect |
691 |
To the body, term or aspect of Jupiter |
694 |
To the aspect, term or body of Mars |
695 |
To the body or aspect of the Sun |
696 |
To the body, term or aspect of Venus |
697 |
To the body or aspect of Mercury |
698 |
To the Dragon's Head, Dragon's Tail, Fortuna, and to the twelve houses |
700 |
To the fixed Stars |
701 |
Fortuna wherefore directed, its effects when directed to Saturn or his aspects |
703 |
To the aspect of Jupiter, Mars and the Sun |
704 |
To the aspects of Venus and Mercury |
705 |
To the Moon and her aspects, to Dragon's Head and Dragon's Tail |
706 |
To the cusps of the twelve houses |
707 |
Of the measure of time in Directions |
708 |
The first and second way of measuring time |
709 |
The third measure of time, according to Naibod |
713 |
Of annual Profections, and by what means to find out the Profectional Sign of every year |
715 |
A Table of Profections exactly made |
717 |
The use of Profections and their effects |
718 |
Lord of the year, what Planet |
720 |
A Table converting degrees into days and hours, &c. |
721 |
A table of the days of the year, teaching what month and day of the month when the Profectional Significator or other, and the Promittor meet; several examples |
722 |
How to judge a figure of Profections |
726 |
Judgments upon the Profections of the ascendant & the Moon, their signification |
729 |
What the mid-heaven and the Sun signifie |
731 |
Signification of Fortuna |
732 |
Of Revolutions |
734 |
The Return of the Planets to their own places, and of other Planets in a Revolution |
738 |
The transit of the Planets |
741 |
Astrological judgments by way of example upon the twelve houses, and upon Directions, Profections, Revolutions and transits, upon a Merchants Nativity |
742 |
A Catalogue of most Astrological Authors now extant, where Printed, and in what year |
833 |
An Alphabetical Table, shewing the contents of the principal matters in every page of this book |
845 |
Afterword |
856 |
Bibliographical Appendix ... by Patrick Curry[May 28,1985] |
862 |
A Modern Astrological Perspective ... by Geoffrey Cornelius[2 June,1985] |
864 |
William Lilly Birth Chart :from Collectio Genitorum, by John Gadbury(London, 1662) |
873 |