Star Media

Title: The Art of Forecasting Using Solar Returns
Author: Anthony Louis(1945- )
Publisher: The Wessex Astrologer Ltd.

--- Contents ---
Preface .
Acknowledgements .
1. Some Basic Ideas 1
2. Many Happy Returns - The Technique of Alexander Volguine 15
3. The Annual Ascendant and Midheaven, the Superimposition of Houses, and the Dignities of the Planets 30
4. A Look at the Holy See, the Precessed Solar Return and a Crisis in the Life of Salvador Dali 49
5. To Precess or not to Precess - That is the Question 61
6. The Importance of the Ascendant - A Personal Example 80
7. Issues of Timing and Emmerson's Point of Death 90
8. The Contributions of Jean-Baptiste Morin 122
9. The Death of Jean-Baptiste Morin 150
10. Morin's Thirty-One Aphorisms for Judging Revolutions 167
11. Tales of Two Musicians 181
12. Some Influential Modern Writers 192
13. Solar Returns When the Birth Time is Unknown 221
14. A Cookbook of Aspects in Solar Returns 243
15. Pulling It All Together 271
.......Appendix A: Table to Determine the Time Interval by Which to Pprogress the Solar Return Chart 297
.......Appendix B: Sample Firdaria for Day and Night Births 302
.......Appendix C: William Lilly on Solar Returns 304
.......Recommended Reading 311
.......Index 313


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