Introduction to Omar of Tiberias by Robert Hand |
i |
.......The Basis of this Translation |
iv |
.......Some Technical Highlights from Omar |
vi |
The First book |
1 |
.......Section 1: On Rearing |
1 |
..............The First Category |
1 |
..............The Second Category |
2 |
..............The Third Category |
4 |
..............The Fourth Category |
5 |
.......Section 2: On the Hyleg and Alcocoden |
5 |
.......Section 3: On the Almuten |
13 |
.......Section 4: On the Killing Planets |
17 |
.......Section 5: On the Direction of the Significators and Divisions according to Bounds |
18 |
.......Section 6: The Knowledge of the Projection of Rays |
19 |
.......Section 7: The Number of Malefics |
24 |
.......Section 8: More of Directing |
24 |
The Second Book on Nativities |
26 |
.......Section 1: Concerning the Direction of the Degree of the Hyleg and the Degree of the Ascendant, to Wit, that of Nativities. On the Revolution of Their Years, Etc., and What Is Necessary for These Concerning Directing. The Direction for the Knowing of the State of the King and for Knowing How long He Will Rule the Kingdom, and [the Knowing Of] the Revolution of the Year of the World or the Year of a Native |
26 |
.......Section 2: When a King Bestirs Himself according to Messahalla |
28 |
.......Section 3: More from Messahalla and the Reigns of Princes |
29 |
.......Section 4: More on the Alcocoden and the Years of Life |
29 |
.......Section 5: Yet More on the Alcocoden |
32 |
.......Section 6: Still More on the Alcocoden |
33 |
.......Section 7: Short Section of the Part of the Father and Mother |
34 |
.......Section 8: Additional Material on Directing |
34 |
.......Section 9: Material on Directing from Messahalla |
38 |
.......Section 10: An Example of Timing in Profections |
39 |
.......Section 11: More on Directing |
40 |
.......Section 12: The Algebuthar |
42 |
.......Section 13: More on the Directing the Hyleg |
42 |
.......Section 14: Three Modes of Directing |
44 |
.......Section 15: More on Directing the Ascendant |
47 |
.......Section 16: Various Opinions on Directing Discussed and Refuted and a Summary of the Method |
48 |
The Third Book Begins on Natural Matters according to their Qualities and the Qualiteis of their Fortunes |
49 |
.......Section 1: Methods for Determining Eminence; First, Three Principal Methods |
49 |
..............The First Method |
50 |
..............The Second Method |
51 |
..............The Third Method |
52 |
.......Section 2: The Lord of the Year |
54 |
.......Section 3: More on Eminence |
54 |
.......Section 4: For the Understanding of [a Native's] State of Being in Nativities |
54 |
.......Section 5: The Twelve Places |
56 |
..............The Second Place |
57 |
..............The Third Place |
58 |
..............The Fourth Place and the Father |
61 |
..............The Tenth Place and the Mother |
63 |
..............The Seven Place and Sexual Unions |
65 |
.......The Fifth Place and Children |
69 |
..............The Sixth Place and Illness |
71 |
.......Concerning Traveling About, Change, and Journeys |
76 |
..............The Tenth Place, Work, Magistery, and Kingship |
77 |
..............The Eleventh Place and Friends |
81 |
..............The Twelfth Place and Enemies |
85 |
..............Concerning the Native's Faith |
86 |
..............Various Causes of Death as Indicated in the Signs and Constellations |
87 |
..............On Pregnancies |
89 |
..............On the Length of Pregnancy |
92 |
..............Whether Children May Be Twins or Not |
92 |
.......Section 6: The Disposition of the Months |
93 |
.......Section 7: Finding an Unknown Ascendant |
93 |
.......Section 8: The Knowledge of the Ascendant from the Midheaven |
95 |