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Title: Astrologia Restaurata;or Astrologie Restored:Being an introduction to the General and Chief Part of the language of the STARS
Author: William Ramesey(17th c.)
Publisher: JustUs

--- The Contents of the First Book ---
Proving the Legality of ASTROLOGIE, both by Scripture, Reason, and the Testimony of the Ancients and learned in former Ages, wherein is cleared to every Rational and Impartial man the Authors Lux Veritatis in Answer to Doctor Holmes, to remain unshaken notwithstanding the Doctors unowned Reply.
Chap.I. Proving Astrology to be one of the Liberal Sciences. 1
Chap.II. That Astrology and Astronomie are one and the same Science, and that they were ever so received by the Ancients. 3
Chap.III. Shewing the excellency and nobility of the Science of Astrology, as also its antiquity, and the admirable power and vertues of the Heavens 4
Chap.IV. That the Stars and Heavens have influence on inferiour and elementary bodies, proved by Scripture or the Word of God, and acknowledged by the Philosophers and the learned in former Ages. 5
Chap.V. Shewing that observation may be made of the motions of the Stars, in answer to those that hold it impossible for any man in his days to observe the particular configurations of every Planet with the fixed stars, and with one another, as also that thereby we may discern their Influences, if we have any capacity. 7
Chap.VI. That the variation of the Heavens from their places wherein they were in Ptolomies time, or at the first Creation, causeth no Errour in Astrological Judgements. 8
Chap.VII. Shewing the powerfull influence of the Stars and Planets, and how far We are to have regard to the fixed stars 10
Chap.VIII. Shewing further the influence of the Heavens on inferiour and elementary bodies 14
Chap.IX. Shewing that the influences of the Heavens and predominancy of the stars in every climate, is the cause of the several Laws and Customs of the people therein. 16
Chap.X. Containing the resolution of the main objections against this Divine Science. 18
Chap.XI. Containing an Introduction to the vindication of my Lux Veritatis from the aspersions of and his second, with the first reason why I accounted him not Worthy of my notice. 23
Chap.XII. Comprehending three reasons more Why that rabble of theirs was not worthy answering as to ever quirk. 24
Chap.XIII. Containing the Authors fourth reason, and a vindication of both him and his Lux Veritatis from some of their abuses and untruths, and their juglings and evasions manifested. 26
Chap.XIV. Containing the Authors fifth Reason, and the Scripture proofs, alledged for Astrology in his Lux Veritatis, proved to remain unshaken. 30
Chap.XV. Shewing that the Text in the 19.Osal,Ver.3. alledged by the Author to prove the Stars have influence, is no wise refelled. 32
Chap.XVI. Proving their Reply to Job 38.31. shewing the Stars to have influence, to be frivilous and of no effect. 33
Chap.XVII. Proving their Reply to Judg.5.and the 20.Weak and no Wise available to their intent or purpose. 34
Chap.XVIII. That the Stars are proved both signs and causes by the word of God, and the Art lawfull, notwithstanding all their malice. 35
Chap.XIX. Proving Astrology to be warranted by Councils in spight of their rabble. 37
Chap.XX. Containing the power and subject of Astrology, and how far the Author vindicateth it. 37

--- The Contents of the Second Book ---
An Introduction to the Judgement of the Stars wherein the whole art of Astrology Is plainly taught, and the Ground-work or Reasons thereof for the benefit of the Students therein delivered, the better to confirm them in every point thereof; as also to satisfie such who shall either enviously or ignorantly traduce or cavil against it.
Chap.1. Of the names and number of the Planets, with their several Characters, and signification and Nature of Saturn 49
Chap.2. Of the signification and Nature of Jupiter. 52
Chap.3. Of the signification and Nature of Mars. 54
Chap.4. Of the signification and Nature of the Sun. 56
Chap.5. Of the signification and Nature of Venus. 59
Chap.6. Of the signification and Nature of Mercury. 61
Chap.7. Of the signification and Nature of the Moon. 63
Chap.8. Of the Essential and accidental Degnities of the Planets according to Ptolomie. 65
Chap.9. Demonstrating the use of the Dignities of the Planets. 67
Chap.10. Of the houses of the Planets, and wherefore they were so distributed. 68
Chap.11. Of the Exaltations and Falls of the Planets, and wherefore they were so constituted. 69
Chap.12. Of the Triplicities of the Planets, and wherefore they were so appointed. 70
Chap.13. Of the terms of the Planets, and wherefore so called and appointed to the five Planets. 71
Chap.14. Shewing the use which is to be made of the terms. 72
Chap.15. Demonstrating the use, nature and reasons of the faces of the Planets. 73
Chap.16. Of the joys of the Planets. 75
Chap.17. Of the head and tail of the Dragon. 76
Chap.18. Of the Antiscions and Contrantiscions of the Planets. 76
Chap.19. Shewing the Reasons of the names and characters of the Planets. 77
Chap.20. Of the number of the Heavens and Sphears, their places, order and motions. 78
Chap.21. Of the Circles of Heaven, the Zodiack and the divisions thereof. 79
Chap.22. Of the twelve Celestial signs, and their manifold divisions. 80
Chap.23. Shewing the use which is to be made of the former Chapter. 82
Chap.24. Demonstrating the Reasons of the names of the 12 Signs, and why there are just twelve, and neither more nor less. 83
Chap.25. Shewing the Reasons why the Signs are reckoned from Aries, and not from any other sign, as also why they are not placed according to the Order of the four Elements. 84
Chap.26. Of the Nature, Signification and quality of the signs, and first of Aries. 86
Chap.27. Of the Aspects of the Planets and Signs, their Names, Characters and Natures, and wherefore they were so named and charactered. 92
Chap.28. Of the Fixed stars in the Zodiack, wherefore they are called fixed, their number, particular names, natures, magnitudes, latitudes and longitudes, and first of those in Aries, as they are delivered by the most learned in this Art. 93
Chap.29. Of the fixed stars in Taurus, their number, names, nature, magnitude, latitudes and longitudes. 95
Chap.30. Of the fixed stars in Gemini, their numbers, names, nature, magnitude, latitudes and longitudes. 96
Chap.31. Of the fixed stars in Cancer, their numbers, names, nature, magnitude, latitudes and longitudes. 97
Chap.32. Of the fixed stars in Leo, their numbers, names, nature, magnitude, latitudes and longitudes. 98
Chap.33. Of the fixed stars in Virgo, their numbers, names, nature, magnitude, latitudes and longitudes. 99
Chap.34. Of the fixed stars in Libra, their numbers, names, nature, magnitude, latitudes and longitudes. 100
Chap.35. Of the fixed stars in Scorpio, their numbers, names, nature, magnitude, latitudes and longitudes. 101
Chap.36. Of the fixed stars in Sagittarius, their numbers, names, nature, magnitude, latitudes and longitudes. 102
Chap.37. Of the fixed stars in Capricornus, their numbers, names, nature, magnitude, latitudes and longitudes. 103
Chap.38. Of the fixed stars in Aquarius, their numbers, names, nature, magnitude, latitudes and longitudes. 104
Chap.39. Of the fixed stars in Pisces, their numbers, names, nature, magnitude, latitudes and longitudes. 105
Chap.40. Shewing the use of the former Tables. 106
Chap.41. Of the significations of the 12 houses of heavens, and wherefore they have such signification. 106
Chap.42. Of the division of the houses into twelve equal parts. 109
Chap.43. Containing some termes of Art very necessary to be known, as also Instructions how to erect a Figure of Heaven. 110

--- The Contents of the Third Book ---
An introduction to Elections, Book 3 Fully comprehending THE RULES of the ANCIENTS in Electing a Time for any manner of Work: Nevere before made publiquein our Mother Tongue. But now(by the Blessing of GOD) for the benefit of all true Lovers of knowledge sent abroad.
Comprehending an Introduction to Elections or necessary Instructions for the electing of any manner of Work by the secret Operations of the Heavens, by the nature of the Sings, Planets and Aspects of the Moon &c.
Chap.1. Containing some necessary instructions to the judgement of Elections 122
Chap.2. Of the signs, and their significations in Elections, and of the hinderances of the Moon being a farther instruction to the judging of Elections. 126
Chap.3. Shewing Elections by the Aspects of the Moon to the other six Planets, and by her Mansions. 128
Containing Rules for Electing such matters as appertain to the signification of the first house of Heaven.
Chap.1. Containing necessary rules for putting children to nurse, to school and to a trade. 132
Chap.2. Of the rules of Elections for the cutting of hair. 133
Chap.3. Of cutting of nails of the hands or feet, also corns. 134
Of Rules for electing matters appertaining to the second House.
Chap.1. Of receiving and borrowing of money. 134
Chap.2. Containing other rules concerning borrowing and lending. 135
Chap.3. Of buying to profit again by the sale thereof. 136
Chap.4. Of selling to advantage. 137
Chap.5. Being a farther instruction touching buying and selling in an ordinary way of the world. 137
Chap.6. Of buying of cloathing, or putting on of apparel. 137
Chap.7. Of flitting or removing from one place to another. 138
Chap.8. Containing rules for electing any work in the Art of Distillation or Alchimy. 139
Comprehending rules in Electing such matters as appertain to the signification of the third House.
Chap.1. Of short journeys and their Elections. 140
Chap.2. Of making friendship between brethren, or any two at variance. 140
Chap.3. Of applying the minde or study to Divine matters or contemplations. 141
Containing rules of Elections appertaining to the signification of the Fourth House.
Chap.1. Of building of Houses. 142
Chap.2. Of building of Castles and Cities. 143
Chap.3. Of building of Churches. 145
Chap.4. Of building or erecting of Mils. 145
Chap.5. Of pulling down or destroying of Houses or any Fabrick whatsoever. 145
Chap.6. Containing rules of elections in buying of land houses or heritages. 146
Chap.7. Of buying of land for husbandry, and not to build upon. 147
Chap.8. Of bringing of water to a house either by Conduit, Pipe, Pump; and diging of Wels. 148
Chap.9. Of tillage or manuring of the ground. 148
Chap.10. Of renting, hireing, and letting of houses, land or fruit, or any other thing to be let or hired. 149
Chap.11. Of planting of trees or grassing. 150
Chap.12. Of sowing of seeds in the ground. 151
Chap.13. Of ridding houses or places from evil spirits. 151
Containing rules for electing a time for any work or thing appertaining to the fifth House.
Chap.1. Shewing a fit time for the procreation of boys or girls. 152
Chap.2. Of delivering a dead child. 153
Chap.3. Of christening or circumcising of children. 154
Chap.4. Of giving and receiving of gifts or presents. 155
Chap.5. Containing rules for electing a time for putting on of apparel. 155
Chap.6. Of feasting or eating of meat. 156
Chap.7. Of drinking of wine and other drinks 157
Chap.8. Of writing of letters or any thing else of ingenuity. 158
Chap.9. Of making odoriferous smels and unguents. 158
Chap.10. Of sending Embassadours or messengers. 159
Of Elections appertaining to the sixth House.
Chap.1. Of the true knowledge of the Crisis, or critical and judicial days, very useful for those that study Physick. 160
Chap.2. Of applying medicines generally to all the parts of the body of man. 162
Chap.3. Of administring medicines to the diseases of the head. 163
Chap.4. Of applying remedies to the eyes, and preparatives in general. 163
Chap.5. Of applying remedies to the nose. 164
Chap.6. Of injecting clysters, and stopping of rheumes or fluxes. 164
Chap.7. Of the administrating of gargarisms, or sneezings, and such like. 165
Chap.8. Of giving of vomits. 165
Chap.9. Of administring purges and physick laxative. 166
Chap.10. Of bathing and electing a time therefore. 169
Chap.11. Of electing a time for using Chirurgery. 169
Chap.12. Of electing a time for phlebotomy or blood-letting, also for applying ventosies. 170
Chap.13. Of the Physitians going to the Patient. 171
Chap.14. Of hireing of servants. 172
Chap.15. Of buying of birds and letting them fly to return again. 172
Chap.16. Of buying four-footed beasts. 173
Chap.17. Of bringing up dogs or tameing of smal cattel. 174
Containing Elections appertaining to the Seventh House.
Chap.1 Of the elections apertaining to the signification of the seventh House, and touching marriage. 175
Chap.2. Of Venereal sports. 178
Chap.3. Of partnership or agreements, or things between two. 178
Chap.4. Of going to war, or begining of differencies and duels, quarrels, lawsuits, controversies and the like. 179
Chap.5. Of making of peace, suppressing or encountring of rebels, and storming of castles, and towns 182
Chap.6. Of buying of arms and preparing of instruments of war, and ships or gallies. 184
Chap.7. Of seeking of fugitives and examining of theeves and malefactors. 184
Chap.8. To know the subject and scope of the whisperings or clandestine practises of any two, and at playing at Chess(or any other sitting game)to win. 185
Chap.9. Of hunting, fowling and fishing. 187
Containing Elections appertaining to the signification of the eight House.
Chap.1. Of making of wills. 189
Chap.2. Of the heritages of the dead. 190
Containing the Elections of the ninth House of Heaven.
Chap.1. Of the returning of such as are absent, and of going of journeys and entring into any place. 190
Chap.2. Of building of ships and gallies, and of Lantching them, and of voyaging by Sea. 194
Chap.3. Of learning of sciences, and of singing, and musick. 195
Containing Elections appertaining to the signification of the tenth House.
Chap.1. Of electing Kings and Governours, and of their enstalling and begining their rule or government. 196
Chap.2. Of obtaining favour of Kings and Great men, justice on enemies and pardons, also of going of progresses with the King or any other Grande. 197
Chap.3. Of learning any Art or Occupation. 198
Containing such Elections as are under the signification of the Eleventh House of Heaven.
Chap.1. Of accomplishing any thing hoped for, and of gaining a good repute, and the love of friends. 199
Chap.2. Of obtaining of promises and requests. 200
Comprehending the Elections of the Twelfth House.
Chap.1. Of freeing of prisoners and Captives. 201
Chap.2. Of buying and riding of horses, &c. 201

--- The Contents of the Fourth Book ---
Containing the ground work of Revolutions of the Years of the World, considerations before judgement, and the true significators of such things as are necessary to be judged of in this manner of work.
Chap.1. Shewing the ground-work on which Astrological Judgements for the judging of Revolutions are to be built, and how many Scheams or Figures of Heaven ought to be erected for this work. 214
Chap.2. Containing some necessary considerations before judgement. 216
Chap.3. Shewing which are the significators of the King, People, their enemies and assistants in any Revolution of the Years of the World. 218
Chap.4. Shewing according to the signification of the Planets, the Significators in general, of rich and Noble men, the Kings Standard-bearer, Armor-bearer, or General of the Armies, Clergymen, Students, Merchants, Lawyers, Women, Fryers and Monks. 220
Shewing the state and condition of the King or Rulers, and their continuation, and their durability in any Revolution, also the condition of the people from the Positions and Fortitudes of their Significators; Also how to know the Lord of the Year, and what is portended thereby in any Revolution, whether in Aspect of the Planets, located in the House or Signs; also of the significations of the Head and Tail of the Dragon, in the 12 Houses of Heaven in any Revolution in the 12 signs also.
Chap.1. Of the State and condition of the King or chief Rulers, and People in any Annual Revolution. 221
Chap.2. Teaching how to judge of the permanency or durability of Kings or such as are in authority by any Revolution. 225
Chap.3. Shewing the state and condition of the common people in any Region, by any Annual Revolution. 226
Chap.4. How to know that Planet which is Lord of the Year in any Annual rebolution of the Years of the World. 231
Chap.5. Of the significations of the seven Celestial Planets, When any of them is Lord of the Year, whether fortunated or impedited, and of the Aspects of the Planets with them. 234
Chap.6. Containing the true Significations of the Planet Saturn, as he is in any Annual Revolution accidentally placed in any of the twelve Houses of Heaven, whether he be Lord of the Year or no. 237
Chap.7. On the significations of Jupiter as he is accidentally placed in any of the twelve Houses of Heaven in any Annual Revolution, whether he be Lord of the Year or no. 239
Chap.8. Containing the significations of Mars in the twelve Houses of Heaven, any Annual Revolution, whether he be Lord of the Year or no. 240
Chap.9. Shewing the significations of the Sun in the twelve Houses of Heaven in any Annual Revolution, whether he be Lord of the Year or no. 241
Chap.10. Shewing the significations of Venus in the twelve Houses of Heaven in any Annual Revolution, whether he be Lord of the Year or no. 242
Chap.11. Of the significations of Mercury in the twelve Houses of Heaven in any Annual Revolution, whether he be Lord of the Year or no. 244
Chap.12. Of the significations of the Moon in the twelve Houses of Heaven in any Annual Revolution, whether he be Lord of the Year or no. 245
Chap.13. Containing the significations of the head and tail of the Dragon, in the twelve Houses of Heaven in any Annual Revolution of the years of the World. 246
Chap.14. Shewing the significations of the Planets in any of the Triplicities when any of them is Lord of the Year in any Annual Revolution of the Years of the World. 248
Chap.15. Demonstrating the significations of Saturn when he is Lord of the Year in any of the twelve signs. 249
Chap.16. Shewing the significations of Jupiter when he is Lord of the Year in any of the twelve signs. 253
Chap.17. Shewing the significations of Mars when he is Lord of the year in any of the twelve signs. 256
Chap.18. Containing the accidents signified by the Sun when he is Lord of the Year in any of the twelve signs. 259
Chap.19. Of the things signified by Venus when she is Lady of the Year in any of the twelve signs. 261
Chap.20. Of the things signified by Mercury when she is Lady of the Year in any of the twelve signs. 263
Chap.21. Containing the significations of the Moon when she is lady of the Year in any of the twelve signs. 266
Chap.22. Shewing what is signified by the Head and Tail of the Dragon, as they are placed in any of the twelve signs in any Revolution. 267
Containing some other necessary Instructions for the judging of Events portended by any Revolution of the Years of the World, also shewing how to judge of such Years as signifie fertility, sterility, wars, peace, health or sickness, alterations of, and in the Ayr, and of all other things foreknown by the Position of the Heavens at the Ingress of the Sun into the first point of Aries.
Chap.1. Shewing the significations of the Planets in their exaltations, and also in Conjunction, Square or Opposition of Saturn or Mars at that time in any Revolution. 269
Chap.2. Of the significations of the Planets and Dragons Head and Tail, as also Blazing-Stars, When they are (in any Revolution) exalted one above the other. 271
Chap.3. Containing considerations from the Sun and the Moon, when the Revolution is either Diurnal or Nocturnal, also when the Revolution happens at Sun-setting or break of Day, and from the Lord of the Hour, Part of Fortune, the Indisposition of Saturn and Mars, and from the Conjunction with Dragons Head and Tail in any of twelve signs, in any Annual Revolution. 274
Chap.4. Teaching how to judge of the evill of any year, the nature thereof, and when the year is most likely to be turbulent, obnoxious and unfortunate; also what is portended by any Revolution when one Planet transfers his light and nature to another. 278
Chap.5. Shewing how to judge of health or sickness in any year. 280
Chap.6. How of wars or peace. 280
Chap.7. Of fertility and sterility 284
Chap.8. Teaching how to know the price of any thing in any year. 285
Chap.9. Containing some Instructions touching the alteration of the Ayr, and change of weather in any year. 288
Chap.10. Shewing how to judge of the weather by the Aspects of the Moon to the other Planets, and by the several Aspects of the Planets amongst themselves. 290
Chap.11. Demonstrating the alteration of the Ayr by the Combustion, Orientality and Occidentality of the Planets in every of the twelve signs of Heaven. 292
Chap.12. Containing further instructions touching the alteration of the Ayr from the application of the Moon to the other Planets, having separated from the Conjunction or Opposition of the Sun. 294
Chap.13. Teaching by other rules how to judge of the alteration of the ayr, and to know when rain is to be expected. 296
Chap.14. Shewing Haly his judgement on weather, and the alteration of the Ayr. 298
Chap.15. Shewing how to judge of Weather from common Observation of the rising and setting of the Sun, colour of the Moon, appearance of the Rain-bow, Comets, Clouds, brightness of the fixed Stars, also by the prime day, and from the time of the day wherein thunder happeneth. 302
Chap.16. Demonstrating the natural causes of many Suns, of the Rain-bow, Rain, Hail, Frost, Snow, Dew, Winde, Earth-quakes, Comets, Thunders, Lightnings, and the cause of the Sun and Moons Eclipse. 303
Chap.17. Of the signification of the most notable fixed Stars both fortunate and unfortunate in any of the twelve Houses in Revolutions of the Years of the World. 305
Teaching how to judge of the natural mutations and accidents of this Elementary World, by the appearance of Eclipses, Comets, great Conjunctions and Blazing-stars.
Chap.1. Containing Ptolomies method in judging Eclipses, and how to know the Regions to which the Effects belong. 310
Chap.2. Shewing the time when the Effects of any Eclipse shall begin, and how long continue. 310
Chap.3. Of the kindes of Events of any Eclipse. 311
Chap.4. Of the quality of the Events of any Eclipse whether good or evil. 312
Chap.5. Of the Sun and Moon eclipsed in any Decanate or Face of the twelve Celestial signs. 315
Chap.6. Of Comets and Blazing-Stars, what they are, the many sorts thereof, their Portences, and how long they appear at any time. 318
Chap.7. Shewing the Physical reasons of the horrid and terrible portencies of Comets and Blazing Stars. 320
Chap.8. Shewing some other names of Comets or Blazing-Stars, and their Portencies. 321
Chap.9. Of the signification of Comets and Blazing-Stars appropriated to the seven Planets. 323
Chap.10. Shewing the significations of Comets when they appear in any of the twelve signs of Heaven. 324
Chap.11. Of great Conjunctions, their Number, and how to judge of their Effects. 327
Chap.12. Of the Conjunctions of the Superious 328
Chap.13. Of the mean and lesser Conjunctions and their effects. 329
Chap.14. Of the Conjunction of the Planets in the twelve signs according to Hermes. 330
Chap.15. Shewing how to judge of the general accidents of the World by the falling of New-Years Day. 332


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