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Title: On the Judgments of Nativities:Three Books
Author: Johannes Schoener(1477-1547)
Translator,Editor: Robert Hand
Publisher: ARHAT

--- Contents of Book I---
Translator's Introduction to the Three Books on Judgments of Nativities iv
.......The Style of the Three Books vii
.......The Life and Chart of Maximilian I of Hapsburg x
..............The Life and Historical Importance of Maximilian I x
..............The Chart xiii
. .
Three Books on the Judgment of Nativities 1
.......Dedicatory Epistle 1
.......The Preface of Philip Melanchthon, Doctor 9
.......Chapter One:Concerning the Significators and Their Accidents 16
..............Certain General Matters Which must Be Considered Before the Judgment of a Nativity 16
..............The Method of Investigating the True Degree of the Ascendant by Means of the Animodar 17
..............A Second Method of Searching out the True Ascendant 19 Means of the Trutine of Hermes 19
..............A Third and More Certain Method of Finding the Same 22 the Accidents of the Native 22
..............Concerning the Projection of the Nativity's Parts 24
..............To Find the Dodecatemorion of Any Planet 28
..............To Extract the Novenaries of the Planets 30
..............Determining the Antiscias 31
..............Concerning the Fortitudes or Fortune, and the Debility or Infortune of the Planets 33
..............Concerning the Hyleg and Alcochoden According to Ptolemy 34
..............The Teaching of Others on the Hyleg 36
..............Likewise, the Teaching of Others Concerning the Alcochoden 39
..............Extracting the Victor or Lord of the Geniture 39
..............Exploring the Significators of the Intellective Power of the Spirit 40
..............The Taking of the Almuten of the Significators of Any Matter 41
..............How the Seven Planets Govern the Foetus Which Has then Been Conceived from the Day of
.............. Conception up to the Time of Birth
..............A General Method: Things that Must be Observed in Judgments 46
..............Whether in General the Native Will Be Fortunate or Not 47
.......Chapter Two: Concerning the Parents and their State of Being 48
..............Concerning the Life of the Father according to the Geniture of the Child, and Concerning
.............. the Quality of his Death
..............Concerning the Life of the Mother 49
..............Prognosticating Other Particulars of the Parents 50
..............Teachings and Aphorisms of Others and of the Arabs 51
.......Chapter Three: Concerning the Native's Brothers and Sisters 61
..............Sentences and Aphorisms of Others 62
..............Concerning Male and Female Natives 69
..............Concerning Twins 70
..............The Teachings and Aphorisms of Others 71
..............Concerning Monsters 72
..............The Teachings and Aphorisms of Others 73
.......Chapter Four: Concerning Those Who Have Not Grown 74
..............The Teachings and Aphorisms of Others 75
.....................Concerning Natives Who Are Born Dead 76
.....................Concerning Natives Who Do Live but Are Not Reared 77
.....................Concerning Those Who Born and Reared but Who Do Not Attain to Old Age 77
.....................Concerning Those Who Live, Are Reared, and Who Attain Old Age 78
.......Chapter Five: Concerning the Form, Figure and Constitution of the Body 79
..............The Teachings and Aphorisms of Others 81
..............Concerning the Forms of the Twelve Signs 82
..............Concerning the Forms of the Seven Planets 83
..............Examining the Tallness, Smallness, or Shortness of the Body 86
..............Distinguishing Stoutness and Thinness, and the Quantity of the Body 87
..............To Whom Is the Native Made More Alike, Namely, ot the Father or the Mother? 88
.......Chapter Six: Concerning the Impediments and Infirmities of the Body of the Native 91
..............We Will Know Particularly the Manner of Injuries to the Human Body Coming from Four Causes 91
..............You Will Recognize Infirmities Inherent in the Entire Body from the Four Following Rules 93
..............The Teachings and Aphorisms of Others 95
..............Concerning Serving Men and Women 109
..............Concerning Animals and Beasts 110
.......Chapter Seven: Concerning the Qualities of the Soul of the Native 113
..............The Teachings and Aphorisms of Others 122
..............The Dodecatemoria of the Planets 127
..............Now Concerning the Images of Heaven: and First Concerning Those in the Zodiac 128
..............On the Northern Images 129
..............On the Southern Images 131
.......Chapter Eight: Concerning the Impediments of the Soul 134
..............The Teachings and Aphorisms of Others 136
.......Chapter Nine: Concerning the Fortune and Wealth of the Native 137
..............Exploring by What Means the Native Should Acquire Wealth 147
..............Whether Riches Will Come to the Native Licitly or Illicitly 149
..............Inferring the Time of [Gaining] Riches 149
.......Chapter Ten: Concerning the Honor and Dignity of the Native 153
..............The Teachings and Aphorisms of Others 154
.......Chapter Eleven: Concerning the Native's Magistery and his Work 160
..............The Teachings and Aphorisms of Others 163
..............Concerning Boldness and Fear 165
.......Chapter Twelve: Concerning Sexual Unions 168
..............The Teachings and Aphorisms of Others 173
.......Chapter Thirteen: Concerning Children and Their Relationship Toward the Parents 183
..............The Teachings and Aphorisms of Others 184
..............Whether or Not the Native is the Child of its Father 188
.......Chapter Fourteen: Concerning the Natives's Friends and Enemies 191
..............In Which Time Will They Be in Concord or Discord 192
..............The Teachings and Aphorisms of Others 193
..............The Teachings and Aphorisms of Others Concerning Enemies 196
..............Exemplification of a Native Concerning Hidden Enemies 200
.......Chapter Fifteen: Concerning the Natives's Foreign Travels and Journeys 202
..............The Teachings and Aphorisms of Others 204
..............On the Sciences 206
.......Chapter Sixteen: Concerning the Qualities of the Native's Death 212
..............The Teachings and Aphorisms of Others 215
. .
Appendix I --- Computing Antiscia According to the Opusculum 230
Appendix II --- The Computation of the Hyleg According to Alchabitius 231
Appendix III --- The Periods of the Planets 233
Appendix IV --- The Four Differentiae of Life Expectancy 235
..............The First Category 235
..............The Second Category 236
..............The Third Category 237
..............The Fourth Category 237
Appendix V --- Tables of Special Degrees from the Opusculum 243
Appendix VI --- Similitude from the Opusculum 244
Appendix VII --- The Table of Essential Dignities as Given in the Opusculum 246
Appendix VIII --- Dustoria or Ductoria, as Described in the Opusculum 247

--- Contents of Book II ---
Under construction
--- Contents of Book III ---
Under construction


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